Tired of taking meds.

Something hit me like a brick wall right after I posted this. I have gone in with high bp and Im prescribed a pill and told to monitor diet and exercise. I go in with cholesterol and am given same advice. Anxiety same advice. I am quick to simply start taking the pill and continue the other parts of my lifestyle. I dont drink and smoke but I also dont exercise and I eat like crap.
I wonder if every doctor Ive been told to me has recommended exercise if there may be something to it?

I tried diet with cholesterol and it didnt effect it much. While Im smaller stature and not overweight, cholesterol runs in my family.
Exercise exercise exercise get moving best thing I ever did. Doctor recommended it to me in my early twenties to deal with anxiety. Not only did it help there also helped regulate my blood sugar and blood pressure
Spend more time outside. When my brain and body start getting out of whack I take a few days to suffer. Really, don't take anything more than a bedroll or shelter and go for a couple nights in the woods. Resets me every year or so.
And I don't mean camping or hiking, I love that ****. I mean go be alone with nothing, get hungry, sleep miserably, be cold. It's a good thing. Blood pressure will be 20 points lower and anxiety is over with.
Walk abouts rule.
So not a huge fan of meds either. We tried every natural route you could think of before having to put our son on ADHD meds.

we have noticed a huge difference from this product. Our son is now off ADHD meds I am now off of hormone replacement therapy my wife is completely off of the several things she was taking. I know most of the time the stuff seems like BS but this one really does work.

Never had to take anything until a couple of years ago. I am now 75.
Was unable to get my cholesterol to a good level. Getting old ain't for sissies.
Then blood pressure was getting too high. The one med for that did not correct it and now trying an additional one. Side effects suck. Going to doc Wed. We are going to have to change something.

I am also chief cook and bottle washer and not in good enough condition to cook good food all the time.
Now back problems and the steel plate and screws in my ankle prevent me from having a garden any longer.
Have you noticed that eating healthy is a lot more expensive?
I sit here at 45. My Pappy died at 95, other grandparents died in their mid 80's. My dad just died and was 79 years old and drank all day everyday for 50+ years and ate poorly and didnt take care of himself. Pappy died from being shot by a jealous husband for getting his wife pregnant, just kidding assume old age. My other grandparents died from either broken hips, also what sort of got my dad and my dad and his mother had dementia/Alzheimer's. Im just saying my folks have lived to be old and all of the junk Im taking meds for didnt get them
Everything you are describing treats a SYMPTOM, and does nothing to fix the CAUSE. It's boring, but it's true, diet and exercise will fix a boatload of problems. If I was on any medication at all, I'd focus like a laser on fixing the cause.
You can do it!
For 20 years of my life I was on pain meds, an extremely heavy dose at that. Got tired of having to prove i wasn't a dealer or crackhead ever 3 months. I decided to quit the narcs and muscle relaxing meds and started taking advil plus and exced x strength
Took a few months to detox it all out
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