My COVID log

Every parent needs a living will to take the burden and hardship of decision making off of their children. I watched my mother in law suffer like hell because of the selfishness of my wife and her sisters.
Well I smoke sooo........... I had covid for 8 weeks. All I can tell you is it sucked.
Wifes step mom passed today from bacterial pneumonia caused by covid. Was on the vent for i believe 3 weeks. 20 minuets after removing the vent she passed.
That’s what I got and only got well because I called another dr And get meds for it. My dr wouldn’t see me because of the fever and just told me to ride it out. Had I not gotten the meds when I did, I probably would have road it right on out to the grave. Sorry about your wife’s step mom
Wife and I had Wuflu last month. She did not run any fever. I did for 3 days, low grade, 101-100F. Alternating every 3 hrs tylenol and ibuprophen kept it under control.
Did Ivermectin (human pill), Zpack, emergency inhaler and my own mix of vitamins and supplements.
2 weeks later fatigue is less. Lost some lung capacity due to not moving much for 3 days. Doing breathing execrcises and nebulizer. O2 saturation is up to 94% from a low of 88% while sick.
Never went to the hospital. Did televisit with my PCP.
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