homemade bacon makin'

Thanks guys great stuff, the hardest part is finding a butcher that will sell just the pork belly. They can make more money with it if they grind it up in the sausage I guess.
No secrets hogger, sounds like similar recipes
I found a wholesale place in Norcross that sells to the public. You buy a case at a time. It's 50lbs at once so you need freezer space. The price is good though. It's called BMP Meats. I don't brine mine. I use brown sugar, salt, sugar, pink salt, and course black pepper. Cure for a week. I rinse, pat dry, then put on a little brown sugar and a lot of course black pepper. I smoke with apple wood to 145-150 degrees internal temp. You can't get bacon that good in a store.
Pink salt? I really only brine boars over 100 lbs,sows and pockets I just soak in regular apple vinegar to pull blood out. Same mix works wonders for catfish.
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