Bug out to the hills.

Wild game can get scarce fast in that type of situation.
Yep people dont think about stuff like that. Living off wild game in your area will only last for so long. When all the survivalists are doin the same it will wipe out wild game quickly. One deer will only feed people for so long before the meat goes bad. You will eventually run out of salt to cure it. You cant grow **** really during the winter months unless you have a reliable green house already established. Better have spare parts for when a storm damages it. To truly survive any world wide issues you better have a couple years worth of supplies if not more. Go ahead and learn to garden now. Just because you plant a garden doesnt mean its gonna grow and produce. I have had the prepping mentality for about 5 years now and it would still be a horrific struggle to keep my family of seven alive and healthy. Do you have medicines that can kill whatever Sickness has you feelin like ****. Without proper first aid small cuts and get you dead fast. There are so many things people dont think about
All these young guys think they can live off the land and eat meat like Bear Claw Chris Lapp.
During the depression there were less than 3 million people in Georgia and more than 6 million deer and they killed and ate EVERY ONE OF THEM IN LESS THAN TWO YEARS (along with the rabbits , squirrels, coons, possums, turtles, crows, robins etc. There were NO DEER in Georgia ! Not just Georgia, EVERYWHERE ! The deer didn't recover until the late 70's. People were trapping sparrows !
Now there are almost 11 million people in Georgia and only 1.25 million deer. Can you do math ?
Farming is the only reliable and sustainable method of staying fed and even that is at the mercy of the weather. You have to now what all the different plants want and need to be successful.
Learn to farm ! A backyard garden will teach you what you need to know.
And stop spewing that stupid fantasy about living like Jerimiah Johnson.
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