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ok ,gold,silver or ammo you pick one

EMP makes for a great story line in a movie or conspiracy theory, but the fact of the matter is, EMP is grossly overrated and not really anything to fear.

1.) EMP would not wipe out ANY critical data. Critical data is not sitting on servers in your moms basement. It is backed up on multiple servers around the country, and around the world. The server rooms this data is protected in are built to protect against EMP. Critical data is also backed up onto solid state media that is not effected by EMP.

2.) The effects of EMP have been grossly exaggerated by hollywood and conspiracy theorists. The military does EMP testing on White Sands missile range in New Mexico all the time. They have found that EMP is just not that effective. Most vehicles will still operate after an EMP. Communication backbones around the world are made out of fiber optics. While the switches on the ends of those little strands of glass can be effected, the actual network is safe. Like critical data, critical switches on the worlds communication backbones are stored in rooms designed to protect against EMP. Moreover, spares for those switches are kept on hand, and also protected against EMP.

3.) The power grid will more than likely be wiped out by an EMP. Not because of actual damage to the infrastructure, but due to the loss of computer operations and safety systems at power plants. While the loss of power would suck, the grid could be restored in under 90 days.

So basically, worse case scenario from an EMP would be civil unrest for short term of time caused by the lack of communication and power. Oh yeah, and people wouldn't get to see "American Idol." Not exactly an end of the world as we know it type of event, and precious metals and ammunition will both be handy to have.

This is something to discuss, not gold/silver vs ammo - history has already answered that arguement repeatedly (and history always repeats itself). The EMP power-grid statement in #3 - I don't agree that it would be back up in 90 days. If most of the replacement parts are fried in the burst (which is likely because large transformers and circuitry aren't stored in huge Faraday boxes) and the factories that make those parts need electricity - it would be 6mos - year at least. Under normal circumstances there is usually 6mo lead times on major parts for power companies, let alone in a situation like we are discussing. Albeit fictional, this book is a very good read on this subject: http://www.amazon.com/Lights-Out-David-Crawford/dp/0615427359
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To quote Tom in the BBC series "survivors"..."This isn't rock, paper, scissors, the gun always wins."
I don't understand why this has to be an either-or question. Diversify. Own gold, silver, cash, guns, bullets, mags, food, oil stocks... The list goes on. If we have an economic event that does serious damage, people with PMs have a good chance at coming out with minimal damage to their cash investment.

The previously mentioned scenario about Walmart not taking silver or gold is way too simplistic. As a real world example, I could sell off the silver eagles I bought a few weeks ago and get 20% more for them. That equates to 20% more food, more ammo, etc.

Like anything else, tangible items go up and down in value. You need to keep your finger on the pulse of the market and be ready to exchange gold and silver for other items that will hold value like land, rental property, a classic truck, etc.

This whole "can't eat it" argument about stacking gold and silver misses the point that it's simply a store of value that you can trade out of at any time unless there is some sort of world ending event.
I don't eat silver, I drink it in coilidal form, it is one of the only antibiotics that is useful against anthrax, and boosts the immune system. It is also good for skin issues, cuts, rashes, etc. Easy to make with 99.9 fine silver, 3 - 9Volt batteries, and 3-9 v battery caps with wires & aligator clips (keep the galvanized clips out of the water) from Bombs r us (radio shack) . 8 oz of distilled water and 60 minutes with the 3- 9 V (27 volts) will make 30 PPM silver oin an 8 oz mason jar, keep out of light and it lasts for years.
Laugh if you want but I had a cat that was diagnosed with feline aids 5 years ago, I started putting 1 tablespoon of this on his food every other day, and today he is a healthy 15 lb yard watch cat & will jump most dogs hunting a yard to crap in.
I bought 1 ft of 16 gage, (.060) silver 99.9 from my local jeweler in 1999 and have made over 20 gallons of silves and the wire is still over .040 thick.
Just google this if you find it hard to believe, cheap and very effective.

Gold & silver have had intrinsic value as a form of currency longer than any other form of "paper" currency in existence.
It has been a medium of exchange since about the beginning of recorded time and will be long after we're all gone.
But I hear you, you can't eat it (although some people do "eat" silver).
I don't eat silver, I drink it in coilidal form, it is one of the only antibiotics that is useful against anthrax, and boosts the immune system. It is also good for skin issues, cuts, rashes, etc. Easy to make with 99.9 fine silver, 3 - 9Volt batteries, and 3-9 v battery caps with wires & aligator clips (keep the galvanized clips out of the water) from Bombs r us (radio shack) . 8 oz of distilled water and 60 minutes with the 3- 9 V (27 volts) will make 30 PPM silver oin an 8 oz mason jar, keep out of light and it lasts for years.
Laugh if you want but I had a cat that was diagnosed with feline aids 5 years ago, I started putting 1 tablespoon of this on his food every other day, and today he is a healthy 15 lb yard watch cat & will jump most dogs hunting a yard to crap in.
I bought 1 ft of 16 gage, (.060) silver 99.9 from my local jeweler in 1999 and have made over 20 gallons of silves and the wire is still over .040 thick.
Just google this if you find it hard to believe, cheap and very effective.

Good info RB! Thanks!
Gold - silver - ammo you can't pick just one.
You need food to eat, gold and silver to get it and ammo to keep it.

In 1972 I bought gold at $125/oz. In 1980 I sold it and bought lots of guns, ammo and food.
I spent time accruing skills: Rudimentary food production, woodworking and armoring.
It took a long time to eat the food, but it didn't go to waste.
In 1999 (pre Y2K) I bought some gold at about $300/oz.
I sold some gold, guns and ammo.
I still have some guns, some ammo, some gold and now I'm storing some food.

I suggest you give it some thought and craft your own plan for survival. It’s not likely that a SHTF scenario would last very long. I’m thinking 30 – 60 days. In that time the dust will settle or you will have to move on and God help us all.
I still trade guns for gold, etc.
I don't eat silver, I drink it in coilidal form, it is one of the only antibiotics that is useful against anthrax, and boosts the immune system. It is also good for skin issues, cuts, rashes, etc. Easy to make with 99.9 fine silver, 3 - 9Volt batteries, and 3-9 v battery caps with wires & aligator clips (keep the galvanized clips out of the water) from Bombs r us (radio shack) . 8 oz of distilled water and 60 minutes with the 3- 9 V (27 volts) will make 30 PPM silver oin an 8 oz mason jar, keep out of light and it lasts for years.
Laugh if you want but I had a cat that was diagnosed with feline aids 5 years ago, I started putting 1 tablespoon of this on his food every other day, and today he is a healthy 15 lb yard watch cat & will jump most dogs hunting a yard to crap in.
I bought 1 ft of 16 gage, (.060) silver 99.9 from my local jeweler in 1999 and have made over 20 gallons of silves and the wire is still over .040 thick.
Just google this if you find it hard to believe, cheap and very effective.

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