Infractions are flowing!

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So, you drank the Koolaid?

This is just reporting, the interpretation and deeming of whether or not the post qualifies for an infraction is quite subjective, depending on the mods judgement, no? Name calling is not really applied across the board, is it? Determination of "rudeness" and calling out is not equally applied. Not complaining, I just would not want your job as my real job requires the similar/same discernments and judgements as far asissuing infractions to violators.... but we do have a specific code that does not discriminate, regard less of the amount of contribution or time working in this mu jurisdiction and it is applied evenly across the board...theoretically.
The last person that named names almost got banned.... In fact was there not a poll on wheter this member should or should not be banned? I'm done with it i'm not going to sit here and name names..... That would be snitching and i don't stoop that low. Just know that if someone comes on my posts with a smart @$$ comment i'm not going to sit there and snitch when i as a man can handle it myself. I will gladly take an infraction for standing up for myself. The turn the other cheek and walk away days are over.
i see a few more accusations but no examples of an "odt favorite who gets away with murder."

i have no idea who donated to make you a supporter, and if you hadn't said so in here i would have just thought you did it yourself. The site keeps track of who is a supporter and when their subscription is up, but i keep no record of who has donated what, and i definitely don't have a list that i go check to see if i'm going to let someone get away with "murder."

if you feel like you got an infraction wrongly just post in the private help forum, it's that simple. Many infractions have been over turned due to being a mistake or other mods not agreeing with the reason for the infraction. If you have a negative comment in one of your threads just report it and a mod will clean it up, again, very simple.
That's bull**** also.

Why do the mods come up with the lamest excuses?

You know what they say?

Those who are good with excuses, are seldom good for anything else.

Yep, I have learned it is best to report them rather than get into a heated debate because at that point you are both wrong. The mods will make posts calling you out disappear fast enough.
Man they will Global Ignore yo azz, just like they did me.
We must all be a bunch of Atl. metro politically correct sensitive to the issues.

I say if you don't want to get bit, then don't come barking at me.

The last person that named names almost got banned.... In fact was there not a poll on wheter this member should or should not be banned? I'm done with it i'm not going to sit here and name names..... That would be snitching and i don't stoop that low. Just know that if someone comes on my posts with a smart @$$ comment i'm not going to sit there and snitch when i as a man can handle it myself. I will gladly take an infraction for standing up for myself. The turn the other cheek and walk away days are over.
I didnt say breaking into your home i said coming into your home and violating you and/or your family.... Meaning verbal abuse, slander, etc..... Example (seeing how i wasn't "clear") you invite an odt memeber to your home for a transaction and he turns out to be a complete @$$hole. He says things to or about you/your wife/your child..... He could even just make a smart @$$ comment are you going to keep your mouth shut? You don't have to be face to face with someone to feel insulted or offended.
someone breaking into your home and someone making a comment on a post is a horrible comparison.
He helps me out in other ways not having anything to do with infractions as far as when i have a question or have a complaint he is the only one i can trust to give not only good but timely advice. Leave him out of it i don't know him personally never met him face to face..... I know he is a good person because of the adivce i have obtained from him and he doesn't show favortisim he shows people respect.... There is a difference.
wait, so are you an "odt favorite" then? Do i need to look into mdog always helping you out?

And he was saying to just report idiots when they comment on your thread instead of argue with them.
What do you do when someone insults or offends you? Speak up and get an infraction? Hell i just had a guy come on one of my posts and say that i lied to him and i have never even dealt with this person.... People have said more than a smart comment here and there about me typing in all caps.... Bypass was crucified for what he did and it was made everyone's business. People are still talking about it and he meant no harm he was trying to help someone else avoid a snake in the grass. So in a way you are damned if you do and damned if you don't. I speak my mind i am a man and i don't take s**t from anyone. Why should i have to wait on the internet police??? Someone comes in your home and violates your family or says some a$$hole comment to you out in public? Are you going to wait on the police to get there and rescue you??? Thought not!!! If you don't stand for something you will fall for anything.

I think that whole mess got blown a little out of proportion. Guys who are outside of the actual deal see things their own way and tend to judge more harshly in my opinion. Between the seller and myself there wasn't nearly as much angst as what was being seen in the comments by outsiders in those threads. I didn't blame him for what had happened. I thought he was just as much a victim as I was. We disagreed on what should have been done to resolve the situation that is all.

After a while on here you will realize it is best to just report the BS comments made by other people and move on. It did take me a while and a lot of infractions to learn to not take every comment made by the peanut gallery personally.
OBAMA Steve is well aware that it's easy to be offended via the internet.

I got an infraction for offending dark skinned immigrants in Greece. WTF

I would think you could easily offend someone that at least resides on the same continent. LMFAO

Via La Revolution
Snake Dr.

I didnt say breaking into your home i said coming into your home and violating you and/or your family.... Meaning verbal abuse, slander, etc..... Example (seeing how i wasn't "clear") you invite an odt memeber to your home for a transaction and he turns out to be a complete @$$hole. He says things to or about you/your wife/your child..... He could even just make a smart @$$ comment are you going to keep your mouth shut? You don't have to be face to face with someone to feel insulted or offended.
Mdog now you know we are cool and you always help me out. But, are calling me an idiot or telling me to report idiots??? You used my post as the example so i'm a bit confused.

LOL. No man, not calling you an idiot, saying you need to report idiots rather than argue with the. I was just using your post cause it was there when I took the screen shot and pointing out the "Report" button. If someones crapping in your thread, just drop us a report and we'll delete it and or infract if applicable. That's SALE threads now. If you start a discussion people can argue with you. But chatter in your sale threads can be removed and negative coments in a sale thread are infractible. Infractions do stack as Jester pointed out. Warning, point, 2-point(dunce hat). But that is when they are for the same thing. Negative comment in sale thread today won't add to 72 hour rule violation tomorrow.

We(mods) have no problem warning and infracting, but we don't read every single thread. Speaking just for me, I rarely ever open a shotgun thread. I'm just not interested in buying most shotguns. So if your thread is crapped in we may never see it unless you let us know. Seems to me it's better to let us know than to get in a pissing match with some rude ass and end up BOTH getting points.
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