House to house searches

Our laws most certainly are NOT based on "reasonableness" and I would hate to live anywhere that they are. Reasonableness is incredibly subjective and going down that path is how natural human rights get incrementally taken away. Think about how many Americans think it's "reasonable" to further restrict the 2nd amendment, or any other part of the bill of rights for that matter.

With that said, I'd still let them come in because they're going to end up there anyway and I have nothing illegal laying around. Not worth the trouble in this instance IMO. Just film them and be done with it
Our laws most certainly are NOT based on "reasonableness" and I would hate to live anywhere that they are. Reasonableness is incredibly subjective and going down that path is how natural human rights get incrementally taken away. Think about how many Americans think it's "reasonable" to further restrict the 2nd amendment, or any other part of the bill of rights for that matter.

With that said, I'd still let them come in because they're going to end up there anyway and I have nothing illegal laying around. Not worth the trouble in this instance IMO. Just film them and be done with it

Have to disagree with you, "reasonableness" is indisputably part of the basic foundation of our entire legal system. Reasonable is the heart and soul of countless Supreme Court cases, the ones who ultimately determine if laws are constitutional. Our system is rife with terms like reasonable doubt, reasonable expectation of privacy, reasonable articulable suspicion, reasonable person, unreasonable search and seizure... reasonable is the yardstick by which our laws and the actions of our executive branch are determined to be lawful. But you are right, reasonable is incredibly subjective. Judges and justices are human and no two people are the same. That's why the appeals process is so complicated.

You say you'd hate to live where laws are based on reasonable, but if you live the US, you already do. You know very well that there are already many, many restrictions on the 2nd amendment. Most have been determined by the courts to be reasonable. Hence they still stand. Some have been struck down because they were unreasonable aka unconstitutional, the Heller case is an example. The Fourth Amendment actually contains the phrase "unreasonable search and seizure". Basically every 4th amendment case in the history of the Bill of Rights was decided based on the premise of whether the facts of the case were deemed reasonable or unreasonable aka constitutional or unconstitutional.

Back on the topic of door kicking jackboots, this little gem is making its away around the interwebs. The story is reportedly a family with a small baby was out of milk and unable to get to the store. This cop took time from the manhunt to deliver a couple of gallons. I can't quite make out if its a Boston PD or Watertown PD patch.

thats fine. Your not stepping foot in my house without a warrant. Once you do get it ill be keeping my eye on you.

Yep, and they won't get a warrant because they think a suspect might possibly be somewhere in the neighborhood.
Nothing positive could come from an innocent, and law abiding citizen letting LE into their house. Nothing.
In exigent circumstances, or emergency situations, police can conduct warrantless searches to protect public safety. This exception to the Fourth Amendment’s probable cause requirement normally addresses situations of “hot pursuit,” in which an escaping suspect is tracked to a private home. But it might also apply to the events unfolding in Boston if further harm or injury might be supposed to occur in the time it takes to secure a warrant. A bomber believed to be armed and planning more violence would almost certainly meet such prerequisites.

Exigent circumstances do not cover searching every building in a geographic area. For a search to be legal under exigent circumstances there needs to be a specific imminent danger, evidence destruction, or a suspect will escape.
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