First brisket is on the smoker...

It’s a little nerve wracking when it happens- and it will on brisket. Makes you think the temp dropped on he smoker.
Always Be patient with the stall don’t heat up your smoker to get through it faster, either wrap or just let it ride at your cooking temp.
Just got back with some rye bread and baby Swiss.
Locked my keys in the car, forgot my sauerkraut, but I got milk for the grand-baby and a twelve pack of beer.
I guess I should have made a list. SMH

WTH is this "no pics" thing? It's worse than an ad on ODT with "texts me fer piktures."

I put a half dozen or so on Ignore this morning, for their lack of communication skills.

Newbee with 0 fb, Can I get some more pictures?

banjojohn, sure.

Send them pics within 10 minutes and never another word. Not a thank you or kiss my butt.
Off to Ignore they go. Ain't nobody got time foe dat.

I've met a few assholes in person that didn't think they needed to reply, usually Yankees.
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