9/11 was an INSIDE JOB.....?

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Exactly. Or at least IF the fire made the metal melt it should have collapsed half way and the first 10 or 20 whatnot floors should have stayed remaining.

Basic physics says otherwise. All it took was one floor to give way. The weight of the floor, plus it's live load (people, furniture, airplane parts, etc.) accelerate downward at the behest of gravity. By the time that floor and all of it's contents travel the 15 or so feet to the floor below, it's packing a force that is dozens of times the load-bearing capacity of the floor it crashes into. So what happens to the floor below? It does the same thing: Breaks away from it's supports and begins to accelerate downward at 9.8 m/s. The acceleration is increasing the speed and the force quickly gets exponentially larger as the mass of the additional floor is added. The modern skyscraper design of the WTC towers made the floors integral in stabilizing the exterior skeleton and interior building cores. Without the floors, the load bearing structures in the skeleton and core of the building become unstable, and succumb to the massive shear forces being transferred to them through the floor-to-wall braces that are being torn away.

As for why it falls straight down...think of it this way: The buildings each weighed about 500,000 tons. Gravity is always pulling them straight down, even before they are falling. The forces required to move those enormous masses sideways just aren't there. Most of the inside of an office building is empty airspace, particularly modern designs like the WTC towers, where architechts try to deliver as much empty (rentable) space as possible. That's why falling buildings fall into themselves and falling trees don't; one is hollow, the other is solid. There's plenty of empty space inside for a building to fall into itself. The force required to move it off it's own footprint is enormous and nowhere to be found, while gravity is constantly available.

Even the kinetic energy of a 200,000 pound airliner moving at 450 mph (a couple of billion ft/lbs of energy) wasn't enough to sway the buildings much. It's a simple matter of mass and inertia. If something weighs a half million tons, it ain't easy to knock it sideways, even if it's very tall.
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I feel that the WTC was prepared for those planes to hit. I don't think Bush did it, but the terroist were staging this long before 9-11.
Hopeless. Completely hopeless. I'm starting to think there should be some type of test before people can vote. I don't want my future effected by people that have no more ability to use logic then has been demonstrated here. Oh wait, it already has been. That's how Obama got in office.
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Fires alone would not have made building 7 fall. The footage suggest that it was imploded and if it was set up for implosion then what would stop them from setting up the WTC towers from being imploded. I always did think it was a bit strange how both towers fell straight down instead to one side or the other after being hit by planes.

From what I understand the buildings support system was an "exoskeleton" rather than a "core" built building, hence the failure of the building collapsing mostly inward, "pancaking" as we call it in public safety. These buildings were meant to maintain the energy created by a collision by an airliner but not the extreme fuel load of the fully tanked planes and the temp at which they were burning. Again, this is only what I have heard in some architectureal critiques of the incident.
Ok I try to keep an open mind but I have a few questions about the 9-11 conspiracy...

1. Where does Flight 93 fit into all of this? I almost never hear it mentioned in the conspiracy theory.

2. If the pentagon was hit by a missile, what caused the huge fireball? Wouldnt a missile simply blow up and shatter the building without causing such a raging inferno?

3. If the towers were brought down by explosive charges, why did they both start to collapse right on the corners where the planes hit? Wouldn't explosive charges have to be placed at every corner to bring the buildings straight down?

4. If there were explosive charges placed only at the points where the planes hit, how could anyone be certain that the planes would actually hit right at those spots? And wouldnt the plane crash and the resulting inferno have destroyed any wires or detonating systems used to trigger the explosions?

5. How would you secretly place explosive charges inside an office floor with thousands of innocent witnesses coming in and out on a daily basis?

1. A huge increase in Orwellian style legislation
2. The creation of a brand new "boogie man" that the powers that be can point fingers at
3. A "reason" to fund elicit wars, police actions rather all around the world.


There's only hundreds...

Do some reading on Diocletian if you're so inclined, he explains everything pretty well.

If they are powerful enough to cause this massive conspiracy, and are able to keep thousands of people quite, could they not have accomplished these "goals" without killing almost 3000 of the people they want to subjugate?
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