WTH is with some of these traders on here, lately?

How hard would it be to implement some type of tutorial, or 'run through course', or instructional information, something explaing the site - PMS, comments, threads, ethical behavior, etc... that must be gone over &/or completed when joining?

Just the other week, I sent a guy a trade offer via private message. He responded in the comments on my ad.

His was listed for 850, I said if you dont want to trade, would you take 800 cash. Again, his response was I'll think on it. A day later, I said what ya thinking on the trade? If not interested, I'll take it for $850 cash - asking price.
Again, he said he would think on it and let me know...
Another story is that I had a pistol for sale. Guy hits me up says I really want that gun and I’ll buy it. My name is Joe Smith and my number is 999-999-9999. So I told him, in a PM, it’s not a good idea to hang your personal info out there and I’d call him that afternoon. Looked for his reply, in the thread, to get the number and it was gone. I sent a second PM and asked if he deleted the post. Finally, he answered the PM and said I told him to delete it, which I didn’t. So, then he said, Send me a PM and I’ll give you my info. I told him that we were in the PMs already! :doh: So, then, after basically saying I’ll take It, he wants to negotiate the price down AND wanted me to drive to HIS location. I’m surprised he didn’t ask me to bring toilet paper, too.

I clicked an ad a new member had I was interested in a few weeks ago. The Op and another new member were negotiating the deal on the public forum. Time, place, phone number what make, model and color of vehicles they would be in. I simply commented they should do this in PM's. The OP told me to mind my own business. I commented that everyone on here now knows when and where, how much money you would be carrying and what the product was. He replied SHUT UP.

Oh well. Earlier this week I posted where a guy off Armslist was robbed by 3 guys.
Yeah, some people want retail and some want wiggle room to negotiate. But to say I’ll Take It at asking price and then waffling? I think I’ll tell him this is not an auction site.
Absolutely 100% on that one. It's supposed to be the first " Ill Take It" at the posted asking price means SPM. Anyone that doesn't acknowledge that and live up to it SHOULD be called out as the douchebag they are. I gusset some guys want to auction their stuff and not pay the fees of the auction sites.
Not sure, maybe they're flakier than usual because of the pandemic.

Personally I registered & went from non gun owner to gun owner the same day. So it worked for me & have been happy with the site overall.

Not a fan of the ones overpricing everything but I can just skip those.
Welcome aboard,good advise.
Are we talking ad quantity over ad quality? So many ads here are just worth a glance and then move on to the next one. Everybody has opened up the safe and listed stuff...with jacked up prices and a "you must drive to me" attitude. Oh well...I can wait, no rush. Might go look at quality next.
Are we talking ad quantity over ad quality? So many ads here are just worth a glance and then move on to the next one. Everybody has opened up the safe and listed stuff...with jacked up prices and a "you must drive to me" attitude. Oh well...I can wait, no rush. Might look go at quality next.
I'm living through others most of the time . Please post PICS!!!!!! LOL
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