Steel targets stopped ringing. Why?

What are they hanging from? Chains, straps, etc.

Got pics of the front and back?
Two of these per target. No pictures.

Sounds like steel that's lost its temper. I'm not sure what AR500/550's propensity to do so might be.

Have you noticed any exaggerated pitting of the targets compared to before when it was ringing normally?

Someone stick some DynaMat on the back and paint over it? haha
Nothing obviously noticeable. I didn't rub my hand over it or anything though.
Sandblast them and prep surface for a light coat. The first page is all I read so this may be a repeat but you could so much paint layers on front and back it's muffling the resonance from the steal. A good and I mean food black Smith could heat those up and temper them to ring again. Might be cheaper to buy new ones. Also like a previous post said the deformation of the steel has made it dense and concave and taken it's vibration ability out. Sound like to me a new investment is in order.
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