Senators Ginn, Staton Kill SB 101 with help from Lt. Gov Cagle

I was quoting (or paraphrasing) Chairman Powell's comments to the House floor. That's all the detail I have. He called out the Senators on the conference committee, but didn't mention any specific Senator by name.

So who is responsible? Is there no accountability for your actions or inaction as a representative?

The initial word was it was Ginn who attached the training requirement. Is this incorrect?
Ginn is also NRA's man on the Senate. Who do you think makes a ass load of money if State mandatory training gets introduce into Ga law?

I'll give you three hints..................N R A.
We've learned a lot about some of our representatives and senators. We can't forget about this until next year. We need to keep pressure on our elected officials so that we're ready for the next session. Make sure they hear our voices over and over in coming months.
Cecil Staton left early so that the Senate would not be able to vote to suspend rules, since Ginn waited to deal with less than an hour left. I will speak about this in 2 weeks….and beyond!!!
It was all planned to go down to the wire and run out of time.

How does a Conference Committee appointee (Cecil Staton), who supposedly had been working so hard on the Gun Bill, just get up and ask for permission to leave the Senate an hour before everything is over?

What a charade!
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