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Life Advice?

At 22 I had no idea what I wanted to do. Work hard and live honest. Opportunities and friendships present themselves if you live right. When I say work hard, I mean an honest 110% effort. I’m sure I would be diagnosed ADHD. I couldn’t sit at a desk for long. I was in and out of college and finally gave working my full attention. Hard labor jobs and now I’ve owned my own company for 25 years. We are smart enough for college, but our strengths are hands on trades. Then you just hire people to sit in the office all day lol.

True talk.
All joking aside - if you like helping people the healthcare industry is exploding. Shortage of nurses.

Elderly care is huge right now with the way the boomers are aging.

Good luck!
Don't overlook trade schools. Cheaper than college and you can finish a lot faster.
And keep in mind that most people that get a college degree are NOT really going to use it. A college degree just shows potential employers that you are educated and had the work ethic necessary to obtain the degree.
Business/finance/computer degrees are useful in a lot of different areas.

Listen, guys. I’m not trying to sit here and ***** and moan and make excuses and pin all my problems on my ADHD (if this even exists) the only reason I even brought this up in the first place was to explain why I was declined by recruiters. I’m simply just looking for my purpose in life and figured some of you older, wiser, and more life experienced folk on here may be able to help point me in the right direction. By no means am I trying to stir the pot.
Some people post that ADHD isn't real or isn't a problem out of ignorance. Just ignore it.
If you want to join the military nothing is stopping you, just keep your mouth shut about any medical issues. I have a worthless degree that I will never use (History degree Berry College). The school was my only option since my grades were mediocre in high school, but the education was free due to family working there. I would have been better off learning a trade or focusing on the tech industry, or going into the military. I told the recruiters I have been clinically depressed for years, and they said no thanks. Much later on I was told by another recruiter that I should have kept my mouth shut.

When you are this young you have opportunities you may never have again. Go travel, go on a road trip, live our of your car, etc. When I was your age I was getting married, and then had a child a little over a year later. Don't rush into things, you have plenty of time.

I have diagnosed ADD, took the meds for awhile, but quit. I understand the frustration with it. It affects your relationships, your work, your emotions, your judgement, everything. I battle it daily, but it can be managed.

Set some goals for yourself in the coming months. Feel free to PM me if you need someone to keep you accountable. I won't belittle you, but I can help motivate you.
You're totally right... All this BS about ADHD is some evil agenda pushed into parents and teens in schools...
The school told my mother I had ADHD when I was little and recommended Ritalin. She told them to **** off, because she had seen Ritalin turn kids into zombies when she was growing up. I was completing all my work quickly and then talking or otherwise entertaining myself, she said give him more work to do lol.

I managed to make it through nursing school twice (LPN and RN BSN) with my "ADHD". You just have to maximize your strengths and minimize your weaknesses.
The school told my mother I had ADHD when I was little and recommended Ritalin. She told them to **** off, because she had seen Ritalin turn kids into zombies when she was growing up. I was completing all my work quickly and then talking or otherwise entertaining myself, she said give him more work to do lol.

I managed to make it through nursing school twice (LPN and RN BSN) with my "ADHD". You just have to maximize your strengths and minimize your weaknesses.
Some have it worse than others and their are different types. That is great you got through school unmedicated. I'm sure there are some teachers that just want kids to be easier to manage. What gets me is how people make these idiotic posts about "they just need some discipline", "they need to work harder", or "it is just an excuse" when they have no idea what it is like and have done zero research on the topic. It's like when people say bipolar people are just too emotional or people with depression just need to be more optimistic. If you force yourself to read the same page three times in a row while studying and you can't retain what it said then something it not right. If you are making a conscious effort to focus on something and it is like pulling teeth for you then something is not right.
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