High blood pressure and Brazilian snake venom

I have been hypertensive for over 50 years. I have had good luck with Diovan and Labetalol, the latter I have been on for 50 years, the former for 20 years. I never thought of myself as a stressed person, but my BP improved when I retired to nearly perfect "numbers", still on the meds though. Talk with your doctor and good luck.
These are available as cheap generics.
Another recommendation here for trying another med. Thankfully I haven't had a reaction to any. I'm taking 5 different BP prescription: Lisinopril, Coreg, Hydralozine, Isordil, and Norvasc - 10 pills a day, just for BP.
At 49, I had a heart attack, caused by BP. I think it was something like 280/160 in the ER. (20 years of not having it checked.)
After I got out, I went to Cardio Rehab (excercise while on a heart monitor) and the nurse said if the Systolic is over 200 or Diastolic over 100, they're not allowed to let you excercise. (Mine was, first visit. She recommended I go to ER. That led to another week in the hospital and the 3rd & 4th meds). Personnally, I think the Diastolic (lower number) is more important - that's the pressure your heart always sees. Over 100 can really be bad for your heart. For me, exercise has the biggest impact, walking every day REALLY helps.

I also agree with minimizing salt. I've focused on that primarily (maybe to extreme). If you look at nutrition labels, you'd be surpised at what you can find that has low sodium, and even more at how hard it is to guesstimate how much sodium things have. For me, a simple guideline would be if something has more mg sodium than calories, that's high. You can also find nutrition information for a lot of restaurants online.

I'd be happy to help in any way I can. Just ask. Please.
Got any science to back that up?

Been Keto for 18 months. Had a kidney workup a few months ago. Absolutely normal.

My mother-in-law does Keto as well. She had been in a spiral of declining kidney health before starting. Her doctor is thrilled with her progress. Kidney function has improved substantially, along with her weight loss, improvement in COPD, and reduced joint swelling.
Most Americans have a very protein rich diet as is. Typical lifestyles and caloric needs don’t require large amounts of protein. The three surgeons I work for talked me out of it when I mentioned I was having the keto “flu”. I do not have any science to support it without copy and pasting something from the net but I know excess protein can play a role in stressing the kidneys
Most Americans have a very protein rich diet as is. Typical lifestyles and caloric needs don’t require large amounts of protein. The three surgeons I work for talked me out of it when I mentioned I was having the keto “flu”. I do not have any science to support it without copy and pasting something from the net but I know excess protein can play a role in stressing the kidneys

The majority of Keto calories comes from fat, not protein.
I take an once or two of apple cider vinegar every morning. I mix a little local honey and a vitamin c supplement with it.
I'm trying to stick to that too. Hot water w/ apple cider vinegar, honey, lemon and a dash of cinnamon. Not too bad after a while. Willpower is also an issue with me, and I never met a carb I didn't like. Hope you find something you can stick to and lower that bp soon.
Meat fat is protein.

Maybe as a casual dietary reference, but they are different substances. Protein is made up of amino acids. Meat fat is glycerol and fatty acids.

Proteins generally have 4 calories per gram of weight. Fats have approximately 9 calories per gram.
Well Known side effect. Search "Lisinopril Cough"
My doctor took me off Lisinopril for this exact reason. Mine was more of a hack than a cough. @Jeddak mentioned Losartan. My doctor put me on it, combined with the diuretic HCTZ. No side effects, and it's been over 4 years. Use the app GoodRx to find the best price. My health insurance Rx vendor wanted $200 for 90 day supply. I self-pay now at Walmart and it's $50 for 90 days.
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