Grab your guns boys.

A world in which I can't own a gun and they come to my house to take it will be the day I choose to either fight and keep my weapons or they kill me cause it's not worth living that way! I don't think that would ever happen here but they are slowly stripping all of our rights away a little chip at a time! People are too complacent about things and sit back and say well what are you going to do? I'm going to fight it and let them know I don't agree with them! Just think if George Washington and many others just sat back and said "well we can't do anything so why try" ?!

This is why I, as should everyone, oppose ANY and ALL new anti gun legislation. Be it registration of a magazine or training for permit holders.
I think government is a good thing but they long ago overstepped their role and we just sit back and say what are you going to do, you can't change anything. Wrong attitude to have!
I'll only surrender my bacon cheeseburgers, Twinkies, and FryDaddy when I'm naked and strapped to a gurney with an 02 mask and defibrillator! Scare tactics and health warnings about heart disease, stroke, and melanoma have no affect on me!!!
The mesothelioma ads really do scare me though. :scared:
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You should have that choice and no one should tell you what to eat! I agree you shouldn't but I'll be damned if someone tells me I can't!
It really depends on the chances of organized or at least large scale group effort.

Shooting an agent at your doorstep gets you killed, maybe a riot gets started over it and you martyred for the cause, but that's unlikely.

Look at the Arab Spring. Success in revolution usually started growing in numbers before going violent, it allowed for organization, leadership structure, etc..

So when they announce confiscation, you get a huge protest/riot going(let the government strike first or at least look like jackbooted thugs), then let media and other organizations show a bunch of citizens getting rubber bulleted, hit with bats, tear gassed, etc... and then you have good fuel for successive riots which may become more and more similar to battlefields.

Problem is us gun owners are pretty ****ty about really getting our numbers together for protests, mostly because were all so into being self reliant we tend to sit back and only protect our own.

This is an excellent analysis! Serious thought and insight here. I nominate for post of the year.
I don't own any other than hunting, but , if I did would turn them in. Im not gonna die just so some LE puke go home & tell his family he earned his pay check today. Unless you have advance notice to mount adversity you will lose probably more than your life...This country is driven by money & greed, I don't trust any one in power & many in uniform.
Fortunately, I cant see where this is something that will not instantly happen short of a Katrina type situation. So you have time to make a choice and prepare in advance. I can only think of a few options and I dont like any of them.
1.bury your property in a safe place and hope for better days. This will make you paranoid someone will find it and trace it back to you.
2. Become a martyr and go down in flames. This will make you dead.
3 become a sheeple and surrender. This will make you know your a gutless coward the rest of your life.
4 join the thats between 1 and 2 somewhere you can end up paranoid and dead.
5 move to Switzerland. To cold and Im to old and lazy to learn another language.
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