Grab your guns boys.


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Jan 21, 2013
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I posed this question on another forum and opened up a firestorm.

"When they pry them from my cold, dead hands" is what most gun owners say when asked about gun confiscation. My question to you is simply, what is your line in the sand? At EXACTLY what point would you draw down on a federal official? I don't believe most have the fortitude to place himself or his families health in jeopardy. Maybe if the govt. runs 30 second commercials telling you to turn in your weapons, that would give you sufficient reason to take up arms. But I don't believe that is how it will happen. I figure they are more likely to to randomly target known gun owners, show up under false pretenses, and from that point, do as they wish with said gun-owner. Just as an example, look at boston and how easy it would have been for them to confiscate guns. Once they are in your house (and have you at gun-point), it's not like you can say "you're not taking my guns....hold on why I go grab one". So what's the the other option, sit on your front porch and open fire at any LEO that dares turn down your driveway? Just curious exactly what would be the breaking point and wonder if people realize that you do not have a choice once they're inside your home. In an effort to not be too long-winded, I'll sum it up w/ my questions again.

What Is Your Line In The Sand?

Feel free to move this to the tin-foil hat section.
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I don't have any guns/weapons and will always bow down to the powers that be. :rolleyes:

Not according to any Government official who bothers to monitor this site. NSA? Ha! Social Media tells any interested party what ever they need to know.

My cold dead hand is absolutely correct. How are we going to fight a SWAT Team that shows up to collect our guns. Do you really want to kill someone's mother or father? Like that would even happen, you may as well just commit suicide. Because it will be suicide by cop.

As if this is likely to happen. Geez. Most of us should worry more about our cardio-vascular health. As a 50 year old guy that is a real threat to me and my family. Priorities folks.
As if this is likely to happen. Geez. Most of us should worry more about our cardio-vascular health. As a 50 year old guy that is a real threat to me and my family. Priorities folks.

That's right...It can't happen here; it won't happen here! Quick!!! Look over there, folks!
They already did it

Door to door after katrina
Door to door in Boston

How many people did the FBI and the military murder at Waco?
It really depends on the chances of organized or at least large scale group effort.

Shooting an agent at your doorstep gets you killed, maybe a riot gets started over it and you martyred for the cause, but that's unlikely.

Look at the Arab Spring. Success in revolution usually started growing in numbers before going violent, it allowed for organization, leadership structure, etc..

So when they announce confiscation, you get a huge protest/riot going(let the government strike first or at least look like jackbooted thugs), then let media and other organizations show a bunch of citizens getting rubber bulleted, hit with bats, tear gassed, etc... and then you have good fuel for successive riots which may become more and more similar to battlefields.

Problem is us gun owners are pretty ****ty about really getting our numbers together for protests, mostly because were all so into being self reliant we tend to sit back and only protect our own.
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