Fishin the etowah

33 lbs by the time they hit the scales at Ladds. Was caught by Joe Frank Harris, Jr. my buddy was guiding.

Nice. Its a monster. Etowah is the best kept secrets in North ga, as kids we were scared to get on the etowah due to the generating schedule, they didn't post it and the horn wasn't usually heard.
Nice. Its a monster. Etowah is the best kept secrets in North ga, as kids we were scared to get on the etowah due to the generating schedule, they didn't post it and the horn wasn't usually heard.
It's dangerous sometimes too haha Few have weathered fishing below a dam while they're generating. But the rewards are Grand as far as I've seen,,,I'll stick to the bank while they're generating my self LOL
My2cents for fishing this river= While generating we all used 3/4oz white BuckTail jig with up to a 6" tracer . Not generating use a Striper Delight (can't remember the size cause we hardly ever fished top water) . BassPro used to carry AbuG ambassador 6500 on a 6' ugly stick for $100(on sale) , idk what they sell for now or if they do But with practice a man could throw over the "Sudds" from the bank. If you get on'em good you can catch stripes until you can't reel anymore .
where is the damn? never fished that river before.
whats all in there to catch?

In Cartersville. Most guys go after the stripers, but I prefer to fish for the shoal and spotted bass. I have fished it from below the Indian mounds all the way in to Rome.

My son and I have had 60+ fish days, fishing for shoalies and spots. I really like catching them on the fly, but it is difficult from a sit in kayak. You really need a small boat or kayak to fish this river. There are a few put in/ take out spots along it. Your trip can be 3 hours to 2 days. There are a couple islands that my boys and I have camped on. I have been fishing this river for 40+ years, used to go with my dad.

If you would like to go sometime, I have an extra kayak and canoe.

Here are some pics of the fish we have caught.
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