Brunswick Stew in the beginning...

Alright dd. Don't tell me quaker instant grits is your secret ingredient?:rolleyes: just kidding.
Timmy I am fixing to get into the recliner and watch the Trump address about the Covic update on the cure for the VIRUS that is being manufactured by several pharmaceutical company's now...
Timmy I am fixing to get into the recliner and watch the Trump address about the Covic update on the cure for the VIRUS that is being manufactured by several pharmaceutical company's now...

Not far behind you brother. Went out to dinner with the family and headed home.
Aw all 4 of them packs is chicken and pork. Daaaam, that's gonna be alotta stew!
I figure around 8-10 gallons by the end of the day..Got up at 04:00 hrs and started to add the meat, veggies which I had to have my Bride open many cans, due to my arthritis. Added the onions some seasoning..As the day progresses I will add more seasoning. It's gonna be a long day...
looks great, I like a piece of meat on every spoon scoop

i hope you don't put the meat in a blender - YIKES

I went to a BBQ place North of Jasper on 515, and you could suck the stew through a straw (you guys know the place)

I may have come on old folks day - wait - Iam old folks, but still have all my own teefes
It is my last Hoo! Raaa! with the task of making my Brunswick Stew. For me it is always a Labor of love to do the best I can, to make so many enjoy eating it and the smiles I get..I have started prepping for this for several weeks with, smoking all the Pork Butts and the Chicken...I hate fat and gristle and hand pick all of it off..Now I have all the veggies and meat and seasoning together with the prepping done..Tomorrow when I get up and the meats are thawed, I spent several hours today scrubbing the pots for the culmination of the start for my Stew...I am anal about making all as clean as I possibly can..Tomorrow is the beginning of the last Stew I make..It has been a labor of love to bring smiles to so many and helping my Brother Veterans..To be continued............
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Sweet Onions a must!
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Cooking gear scrubbed and ready for tomorrow!
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Just some of the ingredients and spices to add along with others.
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and the smoked meat to thaw..Prepping is a ***** but a necessity..To be continued if I survive...
Why is this your last stew? What have you not been telling me?
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