I've been around for some time now, and have seen immigration spikes before in EU and US, but it seems more like an exodus rather than systemic increases in illegal immigration. My question is WHY and WHAT are they fleeing? This is usually due to perceived opportunity(or real) or lawlessness in current country...
They are not fleeing anything, they are looking for a good home in the secret underground tunnel system maintained by DHS and ported at Wal-MArts around the country. It stays cool year round down there.
I agree we should take Mexico and while were at it get Canada to...THEN we protect the border for real. Ever seen an Arab crawl across an ice flow when its 30 below. Obama is our problem. He brings 140,000 Muslims into this country every month and have you noticed that all the black folks you talk with these days have an accent. It seems at the intersection of 285 and 78 there is a large community of apartments and they are all full with Africans from all over the continent. The government brings them over and teaches them English, gives them drivers license and social security numbers for six months and then either gives them low interest mortgages. When they can't pay the rent the government steps in and reacclimates them. I read about this in the NY times and there are three large camps around the United states, but nobody in Atlanta knows about it.
Mexico is getting revenge for our taking TX, AZ NM and southern CA. They have been, and are invading the US daily and will take over this country within 50 years without firing a single shot. And our gubment is letting it happen because there are thousands of gubment employees working for border patrol and immigration. If we secure the southern border a huge number of those employees would be let go and there is no politician who wants that to happen.
coming for the free stuff not fleeing a thing.Been taught how to game the system,will never stop until someone with BALLS stops it
Exactly! This is a tactical move by the democrats. O wants to grant them voting rights, thus getting a lifetime of political allegiance for the libtards. They encourage their migration with the promise of free goods.
You're seeing the last stages of a dying Nation. The Founding Fathers and KIA from WW2 are spinning in their grave. The leeches are draining the blood from the workers.. It accelerated when the Kenyan usurper was anointed by the great unwashed as their New God and cell phone provider :blue:
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