Weight Loss thread 2012

OK, Long story as short as I can:

I turned 48 Sunday. Got out of the army in 89(2nd Honorable discharge and ETS'd for good). ALready overweight from a back injury that made running painful. I just went downhill(and UPscale) from there. Peaked at 5'9" and 270 lbs. Fast forward to my 40th birthday and I quit smoking. Skip ahead to this year I weighed 240 and I made my new years resoultion to be under 200 by Jan 1, 2013. not on track come June 1. I've known for a while that I am diabetic but never really got "diagnosed" or serious about it. Late last year I had a mino eye problem(iritis) just redness and iritation of the eye. But it wouldn't go away. Eye doc gave me drops and finnally it passed. Then the same eye"shifted" and I had double vision. Went back to eye doc who sent me for an MRI. That's when I sold my Glock 21SF to pay for that lovely expense. From there it was to a neurologist who told me it was the "same mechanism as a stroke" but outside the brain. He said a blood vessel feeding the 7th(I think) cranial nerve had died and the muscle controlling the eye had "palsied". But on the bright side it should come back in 3-6 months. Meantime, blood pressure, diabetes and obesity were the likely suspects. So off to an endocrinologist I go.

They wanted me on an 1800 calorie diet and probably insulin. We started with Janumet(Januver and Metformim combined) and after MUCH argument I said "fine!" and started the 1800 calorie diet. Now, I had always been an Atkins believer and had lost weight and lowered my glucose on Atkins once before. But I fell off the wagon and it all went up in smoke again. So this 1800 calorie, low fat, lotta carbs diet makes zero sense to me. Damn if it isn't working though. One other major change is that I do NOT eat after 5PM. Well, unless my supper meal is delayed. But then never after 6PM.I'm still not getting much more exercise(walking 2 miles 3 times a week and once a week riding bike the same route). But I started the diet June 7th at 240.2 pounds. This morning I weighed in at 214.6. It's been a month and a half but I have lost 25.6 pounds. This is GREAT!

I will admit that I am not sticking to 1800 calories a day though. More like 1200-1300. And I find it EASY. I went to Kroger and Wal Mart and bought those Lean Cuisine, Weight Watchers and Smart Balance meals, paying attention to fat content(my diet calls for <20 grams of fat/day). I have 3 meals a day averaging 900 calories a day. Use low fat mayo, fat free creamer and Splenda in my coffee, sugar free gum and once a day I'll throw in either a fat free Snackwells brownie, or 100 calorie low fat snack. ALso, there is a "yogurt" called Carb masters that is low in fat and carbs and tastes fantastic. 60 Calories each.

If you can't exercise a lot, you HAVE to do it with diet. It is simple math...burn what you eat for balance, burn more and you will lose, burn less and you WILL gain.

My goal weight has changed from <200 to 185 but I think I am going to shoot for 180. That's where I was at age 18 when I finished basic and AIT. Oh! If you DO lose weight, get one of those canvas belts. No hole poking or long tails, simply cut the hidden end to adjust. 8 Bucks at Wal Mart. ;)

Hmm...ok not so short. Sorry.
Thats fantastic mdog. To see even more significant gains cut out the pre-packaged foods. Just cook with fresh foods. Reduce dairy and meat. You will notice a rapid change in how you feel, and find it easier to lose weight. In addition to the weight loss you will also notice a big difference in your overall health, and that's the point anyway. Just a suggestion, but those "healthy" meals are holding you back.

You may be right but the pre-packaged has one advantage. They are also pre-measured. My wife made stuffed bell peppers last night. Man they are great. 97% fat free ground turkey, rice(yup the bad kind), fresh garlic and onion, secret stuff that tastes great but are mysteries to me, all crammed into a huge bell pepper. It's sooo hard to eat only one. The Chicken Fettuccini Florentine from "eat-n-lose" may not be as healthy, or as tasty, but it's easier not to go back for seconds. lol.

Say! We bought some fresh broccoli at the farmers market...oooh! I think supper needs something green!
Well, as gross as it is go to the sore and buy a "body cleanse" kit. You'll crap seaweed for 3 days but lose 5-10lbs of undigested red meat and toxins in about 3 days. Then you'll have energy again.
I have been wanting to do one of these but I dont have 3 days I can commit to sitting on the toilet. I guess I would be more inclined if I knew what to expect.
First off, congrats to all on here setting and obtaining goals. Perserverance is key.

I'm 37 and about 14 months ago I was in the worst shape of my life. 5'08", pushing 195 with a 34" waist, and a rapidly deteriorating frame (build). I've been on a stringent workout routine for the last 14 months. I'm currently 171 lbs, with a 31" waist and 45" chest. Oh so close to getting the arms to 17". I still smoke and drink, not in excess of course, but I feel better than I have in over a decade.

Each person is different and you just have to find what works for you. I keep the fatty foods and those loaded with sugar (sweets), to a minimum. NO sodas but I will drink 1 Monster a day, sometimes. Plenty of water, and regular balanced meals. Keep your workouts regular, days on/off, same time of day, etc. I by no means am an expert. This is just what is working for me. For the first time since I can remember, I enjoy looking in the mirror.
I went from 240 the beginning of April to 187. Paleo diet, I haven't worked out once. Meat, veg, and fruits for the most part. It's the only diet I've ever been on where I'm never hungry.
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