Unwanted Christmas gifts

My family and I have worked all of this out. On my in law side they do a white elephant folks wrap a $10 and its more about he game than the gift. On my side they only buy my kids a gift which is normally an experience. We are all adults. We are all comfortable and in need of nothing. WE dont need trinkets and doo dads that we dont want or need. We dont want a bunch of clutter and would rather everyone by themselves something they want or need than I buy you something you dont want I buy you something you dont want.

Apparently you bought them something they didnt need. I think its cool that they acknowledged the gift and let you know that they appreciated it but were going to pass on to someone who was in need. I think thats a win win
When I was younger my wife and I always appreciated anything we ever received. Now days we just don't have room for everything we have. These young folks, I just don't understand. I'd say just don't get them anything anymore, problem solved
It's my brother and his girlfriend. Every time he acts like this I revert back to 12 yrs old again and my Masters Degree in Sibling Irritation pays off.
Three brothers and one sister. I was the one they never wanted to annoy because I have a gift
First year we're only buying gifts for the children.

Took all this time to get my family to get with the program.
Been trying to get the family to stop for a while. We're all adults now. So my sister wanted to know what to get me. I told her to go to Good Will. I don't have to have new stuff
The worst I've ever been stabbed in the back has been by blood relatives...

They have short memories too.
Especially concerning loaned money.

Wife’s half-brother had an interesting take on Christmas and his birthday.
He’d go out, buy the stuff he wanted. Come back and lay it out on his bed with price tags still on.
His adult kids got to select the items they were ‘giving’ him, and pay him for them.
Wouldn’t put it past him to return all the stuff to the stores the next day and get his money back there, too.
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