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Hi, what day does Christmas fall on?

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Well.....because I do not choose to be around dogs when shopping, I now become the most vile creature on earth...AND because of my statement, that now infers that I want to kill your beloved animal......I find it funny how closed-minded we all can be....If I have an opinion, that differs from yours on a gun....no big deal....BUT if it's a differing opinion about a dog, then I'm a _______________ fill in the blank.....interesting....open minded, able to understand different opinions...not so much here
U want some cheese with that whine?
no animals in my house...except me...those threads offer nothing....I don't like your cat....AND I don't need to see your dog in the home depot/publix/walmart/shopping mall/gas station....is it not possible for your animal to stay at your home for a couple hours when you visit these stores???? simply amazing....NOBODY wants to be bothered with your "precious" animal
Looks like you have an animal in your house
I'm going to set the record straight....I do not currently own a dog, a dog does not currently live in my home. I get the chance to baby sit my grand dog, from time to time....she is a cutie!!! we have a great time, she loves me & I love her, then, just like the grand children she gets to go home(best part), then I get to clean up blobs of brown hair for the next few days....I had, up until about 15 years ago dogs in my house since I was born....after putting down my springer about 15 years ago, I took a break....found that I liked the indipendence of not having to attend to a dog...I get to go where I want, when I want, and come home when I want....got to liking it....so, if this makes me a "prick" so be it, many folks think that I am for many other reasons...so...al good
I still do not like to go shopping, and have to wade through the isles keeping out of the way others dogs....no, I do not think your dog is the cutest, most loving, wonderful thing in the world....All I want to do is to shop, and not be in contact with your wonderful dog, that's all. While I have not witnessed a dog crap in the grocery store, I'm sure it's coming....
your token prick....
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