True or false? You decide.

Hmmm... only two boxes of shells take up a pallet?
Well , I think I've got an idea of what kind of shotgun you'll be running them through!


I have seen them bring out a pallet off ammo. It wasn't from side to side and 5 ft.of nothing but boxes but there was enough on there to warrant and pallet and pallet jack. That was in Canton or Elijay Super Walmart. This was in the first panic thst took place. It much worse now. The shop I was in when they were discussing the alleged atrocity has ammo on his shelf. Problem is it cost a arm and a leg. He was smart he stocked up after the first infraction.
The purpose of this post was to get you thinking is more of this happening that we realise ok h. Greed makes men do nasty acts and don't feel bit sorry for what they are doing. You know this crap is happening every day. Maybe not by the pallet but a case or two. The sporting goods manager accidentally on purpose let a couple of cases slip off a skid and back doors it to a buddy that owns a gun shop. Better yet the guy who gets the contraband ammo go around having a mini auction out of the back of his truck to small gun shops. It really makes you wonder.
The whole truth of the matter is from the way I was hearing it ( from a city official and a gun shop owner ) the passion over the whole ordeal really made me think something like this happened on a smaller scale. The snowball effect maybe. Who really knows.

What pisses me off is the borders and flippers hitting all the chains at the time they have squeezed out of an employee for when the ammo truck comes in. Meanwhile there are people that really need the ammo. I just sold a die-hard hunter and member here two boxes of ,
,30-06 ammo when I know it cost me 25 a box. I did him a solid to keep home in the woods and hunting.
That seems to be the case up here as well. You can low brass high number shot. Skeet, trap loads mostly. Steel shot turkey loads you might run into a box or two of those. Anything worth taking your wallet out over is basically non-existent. The pickers get there to dang fast.
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