Should i sell to member with one feedback

I won’t deal with anyone who has less than 100 feedbacks. If they are that new they’re probably a scammer.

On the other hand if they have over 100 feedbacks they’re probably a no good lowdown flipper and just ripping you off anyway.

This is a joke, everyone starts somewhere.
I won’t deal with anyone who has less than 100 feedbacks. If they are that new they’re probably a scammer.

On the other hand if they have over 100 feedbacks they’re probably a no good lowdown flipper and just ripping you off anyway.
Day um mane
white power mo raciss
I think if we’re old enough to trade guns, then we’re old and wise enough to decide who we deal with. I’ve had several great deals with brand new guys. I’ve also had “seasoned veterans “ completely screw the pooch.

What is the actual purpose of threads like this? If you need to ask permission to deal with someone rather than using your own common sense, then I think the guy with zero feedback has more to worry about than you.

I don’t care how much feedback you have. If you can’t make a simple decision to trade or not trade with a fella without starting a thread to discuss it, then I don’t want to deal with you.
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