* * * Official Gun Control Proposals Rant Thread * * *

WHat about normal folks who take an anti depressant for anxiety? Will they be reported, thus showing mental instability on a NCSI check?

Thought about this one myself I know a couple of LEOs friends that have to, so they will only be armed with a baton????
Good luck with that.

Let me add to this, One of these cases is not for depression, but to stop smoking, so go figure.
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Allowing Doctor's to determine if you are a danger to yourself or to another could be heavily abused. All the government has to do is setup a list of specific questions to ask and depending on your answers deem anyone who owns certain types of firearms as a danger and then they can just come and confiscate them. It is a sneaky, dirty, underhanded way of doing it but I can see it happening. Watch and see how many law suits come from it because of the Doctor's and the government violating HIPAA Laws.

this part woories me all they need is a doctor who hates guns to ask do you have a gun in the house and then report it, and therapists i wouldn't trust them ever from now on if that happened
Had a physical 3 weeks ago and one of the questions asked if I had firearms in my home, and if so how were they stored. Just left them blank.

"Gun's in my house? No, sir I don't have any guns in my house. Heck...I wouldn't know what to do with one if I had it!"

Standard answer...right along with "No sir, I don't drink excessive amounts of alcohol!"
Allowing Doctor's to determine if you are a danger to yourself or to another could be heavily abused. All the government has to do is setup a list of specific questions to ask and depending on your answers deem anyone who owns certain types of firearms as a danger and then they can just come and confiscate them. It is a sneaky, dirty, underhanded way of doing it but I can see it happening. Watch and see how many law suits come from it because of the Doctor's and the government violating HIPAA Laws.

In the days of the old Soviet Union, an individual could be legally declared mentally ill if he exposed non-Marxist ideals, and sent to a concentration camp in Siberia for it.... all from a 'doctor'
Here's my problem with the EO. He basically got what he wanted. There is a reason he wasn't saying "All Assault Rifles Must be Banned" The thing is... in order to disarm a population you can't just say.. "Hey, I want your guns.." You allow them to GIVE the guns to you...

This EO is quite clever... now you can medically be defined as not able to possess firearms.. Watch.. how many people are not going to be mentally suitable to own firearms?

The thing with being crazy... you can say anything you want and people will not listen.. because you are labeled as mentally ill.. Weather you are or you are not.
Anyone else catch the part where he said everyone must prove they can pass a background check, even in private sales? I take that to mean that private sales will still be allowed as long as you show a carry permit but maybe I am being foolishly optimistic...
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