* * * Official Gun Control Proposals Rant Thread * * *

If he wants to make tougher laws against those who sell guns to known criminals?.
Well he needs to start in his own back yard, and that would be the perpetrators behind fast and furious.
Hey if your gonna lead ,better lead by example right?
WHat about normal folks who take an anti depressant for anxiety? Will they be reported, thus showing mental instability on a NCSI check?
EO#15. Direct the Attorney General to issue a report on the availability and most effective use of new gun safety technologies and challenge the private sector to develop innovative technologies

Maybe while Eric is sitting at the computer he might also issue a report on the safety of selling guns to Mexican drug Cartels.
Allowing Doctor's to determine if you are a danger to yourself or to another could be heavily abused. All the government has to do is setup a list of specific questions to ask and depending on your answers deem anyone who owns certain types of firearms as a danger and then they can just come and confiscate them. It is a sneaky, dirty, underhanded way of doing it but I can see it happening. Watch and see how many law suits come from it because of the Doctor's and the government violating HIPAA Laws.
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