I'm a Pedophile (Article)

I don't think the guy is saying it's ok, he's just saying that's his "natural" attraction. He doesn't act on it, which is good. It must suck to live a life like that.
Yes, HE is the 'victim' and he'd like you to view to all pedophiles as victims. In the words of the poets known as "Public Enemy" .... "Don't believe the hype."
Yes, HE is the 'victim' and he'd like you to view to all pedophiles as victims. In the words of the poets known as "Public Enemy" .... "Don't believe the hype."

I don't see him as the victim, but who you are attracted to isn't really something you choose. Your choice is whether you act on it. Seriously, do you think you could be attracted to guys if you tried?
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