GME Short Squeeze Mania

Here's another good WSB post:
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This is what I see to with AMC and every time it makes to much of a move up it gets volatility halted. Im holding a decent position in AMC hoping to ride the wave back up when the algos finally have to let it go.
AAL was suspended on at least RobinHood and it was on AAL earnings day to but because AAL was called out as being highly shorted they yanked the plug on it.
Oh wow didn't know they suspended AAL too, this is insane. I just saw another post where even Doge coin was halted on Robinhood. I hope they get the shaft after this is all said and done.
If this is true, holy ****. Insane. Check out this guys tweets, info he got apparently from an anonymous Robinhood employee.

And this was posted to Reddit:
Here is an interesting dynamic:note the timing, and the transient response. If you are already positioned, it would still not make any sense to sell for fiat USD unless it can be used right away to buy something real, something that will enhance your prospect of surviving the avalanche stage of the ongoing monetary collapse.

Basically a bunch of retail investors found out through some research that a bunch of hedge funds had leveraged money against Gamestop that the price would go down and legally worked the system against said hedge funds and won bigly. So now Wall Street is all butt hurt.
I appreciate you trying to help me, but I'm still completely lost. A "hedge fund" is money I save up to buy bushes from Home Depot.
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