Do you shoot does if they have fawns with them?

Do you shoot does if they have fawns with them?

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Love reading these posts. If non-hunters had any clue how necessary annual harvest was we wouldn't have to suffer some of these comments. Then again we all need a laugh. I hunt for opportunity. If its a 150 class buck, its a ride in the truck. If its a 130lb doe....ride in the truck. Ive never judged a hungry man
I don't want meat that spent it's whole life standing in its own **** and those arounds it's ****, getting pumped full of meds to keep at bay the many disease that lifestyle causes and eating GMO grain and corns also covered in ****.

I want wild 100% natural meat, more so now than ever before.
Tend to agree
A real grown man I know told me he dropped a good sized doe and when he went to retrieve her... a dawn followed him dragging momma to the truck.

The friend told me it kept him up at night and he ended up passing on 10 seasons because of it.

I don’t plan on dropping any with baby’s around unless it’s drastic measures and I’m willing to take the baby as well.
I have in the past. Shoot my first deer was just out of spots. But over the last few years I've gotten away from wanting to take a doe. Last doe I killed had twins in her and I felt like trash for killing the babies too. Maybe I'm getting soft but I just have a hard time thinking of shooting a doe around its youngens.
I guess he did not get the memo or the email .

I won't shoot a doe with spotted fawns. As long as the fawns are reasonably decent size take the does and fawns. The numbers are out of whack and I do not shoot bucks at all. The only way to control population is to take out the does. As many as you can use or give away. Not to mention it is much better meat than a buck, especially one in the rut.

I disagree with the opinion that the meat is better from a mature doe vs a buck. I have never been able to tell a difference in a 140lb doe vs a 200+ lb buck shot during rut. Its not more tender, its not more flavorful, and its not any less "gamey". If you have any of those three issues with your deer meat, I guarantee its not due to the weight or sex of the deer or what part of the season you shot it in.
I disagree with the opinion that the meat is better from a mature doe vs a buck. I have never been able to tell a difference in a 140lb doe vs a 200+ lb buck shot during rut. Its not more tender, its not more flavorful, and its not any less "gamey". If you have any of those three issues with your deer meat, I guarantee its not due to the weight or sex of the deer or what part of the season you shot it in.
Been eating deer meet for most of my 62 years. I will respectfully disagree. I can definitely tell the difference. Same with hogs. A young boar not too bad. An older boar is not worth the trouble. Shoot him and let the buzzards have him.
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