Careful at wineries in Dahlonega.

Keep it simple....If you drink don't drive... If you drive don't drink. Also "checkpoints" are a great way to catch criminals with outstanding warrants.
Keep it simple....If you drink don't drive... If you drive don't drink. Also "checkpoints" are a great way to catch criminals with outstanding warrants.

That's actually outside the legal scope of a DUI checkpoint. They can't run your license if nothing else is obviously amiss (reasonable suspicion). All they can do is verify you don't present DUI symptoms, and you have a valid license.
If you continue North at the end of 400 North, they like doing them that way a lot.
I’ve seen them there one time at the end of 400L in 60 near Home Depot back entrance.
This was a couple years ago and I’ve never seen the. There again…bad spot to stop up traffic.
The time I did see that checkpoint The officer saw my 1911 and had to tell me about the collection he had of them and just at that time his supervisor whistled at him and said “We’re shutting it down now.”
I guess all they stopped was good guys that day and got tired of talking guns and politics with drivers….lol.
At least the cops are nice to non criminals…lol.
Yeah, just hope to God you never have a 6 year old look in your eyes and beg you to help them as they die in your arms after their mother‘s car was struck by a drunk driver. ****er.
Our constitutional rights don't work off of emotion.

I suggest you re-read what I wrote. If the unlawful action is observed then it's lawful but to pull someone over on speculation alone is highly unlawful.

To save myself time, why don't you get acquainted with Terry vs. Ohio. It's case law that is often referenced for these situations.
Sorry, but the US Supreme Court has held time and again that DUI checkpoints are LEGAL. The reason some states do away with them is because they believe it targets minorities. Try again.
The SCOTUS saying it is legal doesn't make if Constitutional. It just makes it ok for the government to act in violation of the Constitution.
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