Bug out location

As otehr s have said bug out if you can.......the further you are from major cities the better. I have always liked Mel Tappan's advice on retreating. If you have not already done so read his book "Tappan on Survival". It was written in the early 80's but it contains sound and practical info. Chapter 3 - Retreating answers your questions in a clear and succint manner. Spend the $20 and buy it.

^^^^^^^^^ What he said ^^^^^^^^^ Where ever or what ever, have a plan.
The only way I would bug out, or recommend bugging out to anyone, is if it was being reported over the HAM radio that neighborhoods were being Blue-helmeted and gun confiscation or people round-ups were taking place. Then, and only then, would I leave my current position. It is much easier to defend a fixed position if were just to defend your self/family group of like-minded individuals from the morons.
One thing I have not seen mentioned in this thread is the age and state of health of you and yours. The idea of trekking off and living in the woods might have had an appeal once. However, I can't hack that any more. I think bugging in is the best plan unless you are in an urban setting, but you may not have a lot of choice. Many may have aging parents, small children, a loved one or yourself with a disability, etc. This could seriously hamper your bugging out. The bug in/out plan needs to take such things into account.
One thing I do notice is that ...every man seems to be for himself and his family...don't hear a plan where we all stickn together and pulling our own weight as a whole...So much for "god bless america" and " United we stand divided we fall."

Just words with no meaning...huh
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