Be aware of your surroundings at all times. Quick reaction of "victim" turns tables....

My question is, why was the video even recorded. Someone must have known something was up, or they would not have tracked the guy from the time he left the building. Or was it all staged?
Looks like a feed from a security camera was recorded.
Won't be long 'til they pull that one down.

Big dude shot twice? Hard to tell on 1/4 speed but first shot from the hip seemed to do the trick.
I edited post #10.
But if ijt was a "familial dispute" who was the 'good guy'. Maybe the big guy dodged a just reward for something? :noidea:

My question is, why was the video even recorded. Someone must have known something was up, or they would not have tracked the guy from the time he left the building. Or was it all staged?
It's security cam footage. You can see he's filming a monitor and panning (you can see the text markers from the cameras at one point) with a cell phone (presumably after the fact. )
My question is, why was the video even recorded. Someone must have known something was up, or they would not have tracked the guy from the time he left the building. Or was it all staged?
At first, I thought about it as well, as being staged kinda little videos to hit the internet and make tons of money.... BUT then, seems to be just security doing their job following who left the building.
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