Acid reflux. Anyone been able to cure it without a lifetime of Tums?

1. Go see the doctor. Could be something worse.

2. How’s stress in your life?

3. Elevate the head of your bed on bricks.

4. No food at least 2 hours before bedtime.

5. Lose weight if you can.

6. Cut out: caffeine, citrus, alcohol, chocolate, alcohol, tomatoes, spicy food, alcohol, extra girlfriends, sodas and carbonated beverages. If that doesn’t help it after 2 weeks cut out gluten hard core for 2 weeks. If that doesn’t cure it get scoped and take scrip Prilosec and Pepcid for the rest of your life.
Get a referral to a Gastrointerologist , have an endoscopy to be sure that you dont have further issues. I have to have one annually.
Avoid tobacco, spicy foods, peppermint, alcohol (my downfall), as has been said wait after eating to lay down.
Grab some gas x or gaviscon as pressure in your belly or lower can push acid upwards.

It sucks, I have had an ulcerated esophagus , you want to avoid this or worse.
Kombucha one or 2 times a day. Kevita master brew or GT’s ginger
Charcoal pills when it’s acting up.
Ginger (chewable or liquid)
Diet and exercise (Try to eat something that isn’t tan or brown at every meal)
Doctor first. I took medication for 2 years. If I skipped it by a day or so, everything gave me acid reflux. Lost 40 pounds and have not needed any medication in 4 months. I try not eat after 8:00 pm. Pickles and pickle juice may help you. Pereservatives keep the reflux down.
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