Would you want to be shot by a .380?!?

Well I wasn't really referring to actually wanting to be shot but the use of a 380. Some great feed back though and I figured the title would catch some folks attention :). Just curious as to the fact my daughter in law can control a 380 way better than a 9mm so it had me curious.
a hit with a .380 Is better than a miss with 9 milly. What .380 pistol does she have?
a hit with a .380 Is better than a miss with 9 milly. What .380 pistol does she have?

gotcha, yeah def easier on recoil than the lcp size pistols chambered in .380. Glock 42 is nice for recoil sensitive peeps as well. If someone is recoil sensitive, that changes the game. A .380 makes sense. Once she gets more comfortable shooting, she can always move up in caliber but .380 is better than a rape whistle.
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