what have you done to prep 3/2021

Tons of stuff. Expanding my garden, buying ammo, bought an egg incubator, started a worm farm. Looking to start an aquaponics system, get some quail, source local meat and produce.

I’m a real scatterbrain.
If and when i need to prep. I will just youtube and google stuff until the new normal is over

Gonna suck if the power goes out. Power grid failure is a good possibility due to terrorist hackers, solar flare, or military attack on our power supply.

Or just a plain old natural disaster.
So, being into self sufficiency for a while, growing up on both farm and in city, I feel like I have a pretty good knowledge of "doomsday" scenarios.
Now that I own a home on 5 acre, I've started my own step by step process.
I'm interested to hear REAL ideas from fellow preppers (not the ill just shoot dear and rabbits the rest of my life guys)
Gardens and farming is great long term, and most food storage is great short term, I'm interested to see what others have come up with for the first 2 years of "doomsday"
So, being into self sufficiency for a while, growing up on both farm and in city, I feel like I have a pretty good knowledge of "doomsday" scenarios.
Now that I own a home on 5 acre, I've started my own step by step process.
I'm interested to hear REAL ideas from fellow preppers (not the ill just shoot dear and rabbits the rest of my life guys)
Gardens and farming is great long term, and most food storage is great short term, I'm interested to see what others have come up with for the first 2 years of "doomsday"

There’s little I can add to someone with your experience level except this.
From talking to a lot of people and doing a lot of reading....

The only food critter that you come out ahead with is rabbits.
They breed so often, have large litters and get to eating size very quickly.
There’s little I can add to someone with your experience level except this.
From talking to a lot of people and doing a lot of reading....

The only food critter that you come out ahead with is rabbits.
They breed so often, have large litters and get to eating size very quickly.
Yup, my aunt had a large shed full of rabbits for this very sane reason...rabbit is quite good, if I had a choice for taste though, I'd take squirrel...even though rabbit yields more lol
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