What do you find is the most difficult challenge in cooking?


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Feb 11, 2011
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North Georgia
When I mean difficult is not the cooking, but to me the hardest thing to do is having it all done at the same time..Some things are easy but others that involve many different items, such as Meat with, veggies, potatoes, some kind of bread. All take different times to both prepare and cook..Sometimes it's a real challenge, I think Thanksgiving and company over was the hardest. How about you?
When I cook for my bride, it's because she liked a dish I've done before, and it's a treat. I think my hardest thing is trying to be consistent with flavor. I don't have any recipes written down, and I season things hit or miss, by smell or taste, and I've been doing it the same way forever. Most of the time it's a hit, but I've been known to dive in and I know I taste something that's missing.
Most of my meals are "Let's see what we got" type of thrown together meals.
Cut up & cook the veggies, crispiest in the pan first.
Cook the meat in separate pan & add to veggies, let simmer.
And EAT!! I can usually whip something up in less than an hour. Start to finish.
Having company over is another thing all together. Challenging to say the least.
Everyone wants to be in "The Kitchen". Not to help, just to be IN there.
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