Survival Book Recommendation Thread

Who has suggestions for non-fiction books? Especially for someone who is just starting to prepare. The books don't necessarily need to deal with stocking up or supplies. They could be about mindset, scenarios, etc.

Thanks for the suggestions in advance.

"If you carry a gun, people will call you paranoid. That's ridiculous. If you have a gun, what in the hell do you have to be paranoid for." Mr. Smith

Here is my recommended starter list - added to my earlier recommendations. Some have already been mentioned:

"Survival Guns" and "Tappan on Survival" ~ Mel Tappan
"SAS Survival Handbook" ~ John Wiseman
Military Field Manuals
FoxFire Series
Tom Brown Series ~ Tom Brown
"98.6 Degeress" and "When All Hell Breaks Loose" ~ Cody Lundin
"Wilderness Medicine" ~ Dr. Paul Auerbach

Here is a pretty web site that has a layout like a book. This guy was on one of the National Geographic shows on Preppers/Survivalists. He is quite a character but he does a good job laying out the basics.
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Excllent book on survival !
I've got a copy of Lights Out in pdf on my desktop. PM me your email address and I will forward a copy. Still reading One second after. I like it, but not as much as Lights Out.
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