Quail , yesterday I jumped two covey Of Quail.

I can't tell you the last time I heard a quail. When I was growing up and visiting my grandparents in Jasper County some 30 years ago I'd hear them all the time and see them quite frequently. I had a covey at my place in Hancock County until a few years ago and just like that, they were gone.

You're fortunate to have them around. Maintain that habitat and keep them around!
I almost stepped on 6 this morning walking for hogs. Nearly pooped my pants when they flushed. Good lord those things will scare the mess out of you. This was on Ocmulgee WMA. Busted a covey last fall on Oaky Woods WMA too. We actually have a small covey behind my house in Bleckley County. I saw them several times back in the spring and early summer.
Years ago I came down to the club I have belonged to for, I guess 19 years now..When I arrived there, the guys in the cabin asked if I knew how to cook Quail? Of course I said hell ya! seems one of the members had to leave early and left a case of ready to cook quail in the fridge..I told the guys I'll be back in a while...I went to Jackson and purchased what I needed to deep Fry them puppy's...I started frying them and as quick as each batch was ready they came in and helped them selves..I had to hide two for me and I'm glad I did!! They are animals and I was tickled that they enjoyed them...Fond memories are what makes life precious!
I also haven’t seen or heard any in several years. Every spring used to hear them around here and also had a covey around but are also long gone.
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