Pork butt

That and the 700 are the ones I'm looking at. Probably don't need the 700 but I like it.

I went 590
I’m hopefully smoking a brisket tomorrow on an old barrel smoker. I gotta look into these. It’s hard to maintain temp with charcoal & hickory chunks. Them babyback ribs I cooked Monday sho was good though... they oughta be after almost 30yrs of trial&error. Getting long but thought I’d share my recent rub concoction = olive oil , fresh lime squeezed , a little salt , cheap Ollie’s bbq seasoning, brown sugar (patted on), sprinkle of course black pepper. 10hrs mostly 200 degrees .I brushed on some hot Sticky Fingers the last couple hours. My wife don’t care for ribs usually but she did this time. Left rub on over night in the fridge.
I don't have one of those. I have a smoker though. I will say I regret not getting the next size up. I don't need a larger one often. But when l do...
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