Brother I went an got him out of his bed an brought him into our bed and covered him up between my wife and I and layed there for probably an hour an stroked his hair and telling him how much I loved him, and talking to God about how lucky I am to still have him and that God might bring you and your wife some kind of peace of mind an that he might somehow send the love and warmness an closeness I was feeling with my son to you lastnight, I know the true feeling of wholeness being a father and wanting God to give some of my feelings of that back to you. I will continue to pray for you and if I could somehow give you some of my same feelings you had like "daddy's home running and up and hugging your leg, patter of little bare feet running across the linoleum floor, tickling giggling" brother I would drive to your house and give you some of those feelings but there not tangible things there just memories for you and I am so deeply regretful for that. The only thing I can do is trust in father God to help you somehow, for him to show you little Houston is laughing and playing in the dirt running around jumping and hugging father Gods leg in his kingdom waiting for mommy and daddy to one day come home. He will be there to run up and meet you at the gates of heaven and hug your leg again and you can rejoice and be whole again
And I just saw what my signature was and I am changing it now, I thought it was a funny saying from impractical jokers tv show but I don't see the humor in it anymore, forgive me for writing you with it on here
And I did hug and kiss him for you lastnight hopping you could somehow feel my feelings from father to father.

Brent? , While there is little that brings me peace with what has happened to us, his story reaching you and having a positive effect on you does my heart good. To know that you actually understand as much as you do and can with a living son and you look at him a bit differently, cherishing even more that gift you have been given makes me and my wife feel as though Houston's life and his death can have meaning to another. The sounds you mentioned and the noise that comes with a little boy are everything we miss. The love, the hugs, and the look in their eyes when they look at you mean the world and it only lasts for a relatively short time. Way too short in our case and I'd give anything to go get him, put him i the bed with us, and feel his warmth beside us at night. I want to thank you for sharing the feelings our story touched on in your heart and the actions you took in memory of my boy. Again i ask, do it at least a little every night. Spend special time with him for the rewards are greater than I ever imagined. My pain is a direct reflection of how much I love my son and I have always said the only thing that makes a person weak is love. If you keep your guard up and never let go to truly love someone you will never be truly hurt, but you would also never reap the reward of being unconditionally loved. It's a chance we take with a partner but with kids it should be a given. So many take for granted the gift they have been given It does not sound like that is the case in your home. I'm so glad you"got it"....You understand what is truly important..God, Family,Country. Touch back in with me from time to time and share how things are going as for me now you and yours are an extension of our story....the good part of it. The only good part of it. We donated Houston's heart valve the night of his death and I hope that went on to make another life possible. Houston had the heart of a Lion and it was golden. Someone received a great gift if transfer took place. I wish there was a way we could find out but I don't know if that is possible. God Bless you a FB_IMG_1456941900986.jpg nd your family. Hug and hold each other tight at the beginning and end of every day because you never know when the last moment becomes your last memory... This picture was his last day and we had no idea what was coming. As usual he had one sock on and one sock off, a shirt(rare) and his diaper. we were at my brothers house in Palm Beach so that's his bag of toys in the background. Those he was not interested in because his play toy was 46 years old and he's looking at him in the picture....He was my beautiful, baby boy and there is no replacing him. Love yours to the fullest and check in from time to time for real. maybe I can live vicariously through you...Have a great day and again, hug him for me when you see him...
You have my word from father to father I will hug and kiss my son Wyatt Henry Burr extra in memory of your son and in honor of the un breakable bond a father has with his son. That is almost an exact depiction of what my son looks like around the house an strikes me that much harder.
I will keep in touch with you and hopefull that mine and every ones prayers will find you and your wife in the process of healing. If it is any consolation to you the tragic horrible incident that struck your family that fateful day has came across to me as a wake up call to try everyday to love him harder and stop getting caught up in day-to-day living and slow down and appreciate the time I have with Wyatt more than I used to. Thank you for your words and thoughts and please believe me when I say I truly am sorry for what happened to your family. God bless you and yours
In the picture of him swinging he had just turned 2 the one where he's pushing his little mower he was probably around 17 months the small picture of him sitting in the chair with mama is around closer to 2years old
Just a few more of him experiencing first time doin thing like the ear muffs and sunglasses was his first dirt track race, his first cat fish that he hooked with his fiest puppies, helping me clean papa's ol nitro special shotgun. Please don't think I'm sending these to you to make you feel bad or to gloat I just wanted to share some of our memories to maybe somehow help or show how proud I am. I will stop posting pics if it makes you uncomfortable or upsets you again I am NOT posting these to upset you in ANY way please don't think that's what I'm doing.
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