I can't begin to thank you enough for the tools you gifted me today. They will go such a long way to helping me get up and out of this chair and stave off the fallout from our family's loss. My boy became my everything and depression is a cruel mistress. You're a good man Bill and I can't thank you enough. I'll be sure to send you pictures of the progress...
Make sure you keep me posted. I wish nothing but the best for you and yours.
I'm so sorry for everything you're going through
I'm right down the street from you and can help with a shoulder to lean on. I'm presently wait on my disability to come through, so I'm available doing the day. PM me if there's anything I can help with.
I assume that since you welcome and appreciate prayers that you ate at least somewhat of a man of faith? You're story sure sounds a lot like the story of Job. If you ever want to talk, I'll be happy to listen. You will remain in my prayers.

Sniper, Today marks the 60th day without my son and I am struggling with my faith. I do not understand the hand that's been dealt and why one man should go through as man trials as I have seen culminating with the loss of my boy. I just can't understand the Lord gifting me a son after taking away my health and then taking him away in such a violent manner, not that a less violent manner would have yielded better results. How do some people go through life like the charmed ones and some are pummeled into the ground. Is there a reward for being a faithful follower who tries to follow the path dealt blow after blow yet still clinging to faith and the hope those are rewarded with passage into heaven t rejoin the ones lost? Will I see my boy again and get to hold his little hand or have him run up and grasp my leg like so many times before? Or, do we give up and just live life. We were shown an out pouring of love and support after our son died but naturally everyone else's life goes on and my wife and I are stuck in our sorrow. Some say we need to move on but there is no just moving on in the midst of grief. Grief has no time table and losing a child stays with people for a lifetime. I see it on the sites I've reached out to for help and understanding.. I just don't understand the why and can't see my way to the how...Where to from here?
It's a time to grieve.

People want to to encouraging, and at a time like this they often try too hard to push you toward recovery.

It's a time to grieve, so allow yourself time to work through things. Talk to God throughout the process as He is ready to hear anything you have to say.

Remember that God deals in eternity.
Sniper, Today marks the 60th day without my son and I am struggling with my faith. I do not understand the hand that's been dealt and why one man should go through as man trials as I have seen culminating with the loss of my boy. I just can't understand the Lord gifting me a son after taking away my health and then taking him away in such a violent manner, not that a less violent manner would have yielded better results. How do some people go through life like the charmed ones and some are pummeled into the ground. Is there a reward for being a faithful follower who tries to follow the path dealt blow after blow yet still clinging to faith and the hope those are rewarded with passage into heaven t rejoin the ones lost? Will I see my boy again and get to hold his little hand or have him run up and grasp my leg like so many times before? Or, do we give up and just live life. We were shown an out pouring of love and support after our son died but naturally everyone else's life goes on and my wife and I are stuck in our sorrow. Some say we need to move on but there is no just moving on in the midst of grief. Grief has no time table and losing a child stays with people for a lifetime. I see it on the sites I've reached out to for help and understanding.. I just don't understand the why and can't see my way to the how...Where to from here?

For the moment, you pray, pray for comfort and not for answers. Understand that your child is in heaven. I've spoke with a very dear friend and once he has a minute he will comment here.

Sniper, Today marks the 60th day without my son and I am struggling with my faith. I do not understand the hand that's been dealt and why one man should go through as man trials as I have seen culminating with the loss of my boy. I just can't understand the Lord gifting me a son after taking away my health and then taking him away in such a violent manner, not that a less violent manner would have yielded better results. How do some people go through life like the charmed ones and some are pummeled into the ground. Is there a reward for being a faithful follower who tries to follow the path dealt blow after blow yet still clinging to faith and the hope those are rewarded with passage into heaven t rejoin the ones lost? Will I see my boy again and get to hold his little hand or have him run up and grasp my leg like so many times before? Or, do we give up and just live life. We were shown an out pouring of love and support after our son died but naturally everyone else's life goes on and my wife and I are stuck in our sorrow. Some say we need to move on but there is no just moving on in the midst of grief. Grief has no time table and losing a child stays with people for a lifetime. I see it on the sites I've reached out to for help and understanding.. I just don't understand the why and can't see my way to the how...Where to from here?
boy i know the feeling. some days you have to pray for just the ability to pray. so much we can't understand or know. and the devil knows just the right time to jump in and make it worse. you are on my heart and in my prayers. i too am only a pm away anytime. god bless.
Yesterday we got the news that my wife isn't producing viable eggs to even try IVF. In layman's terms, we cannot have another child. Our dreams of patching our family after losing our boy were dashed..My wife was crushed. We expected the news to come from the doctor that I, with my pain meds , was messed up and my "sample" wasn't viable. Now she feels even worse because she accidentally backed over our son and she feels somehow it is her fault we can't have another. She has always been healthy and loving and a wonderful mother and wife. I have to be her strength now at a time when I am destroyed by the loss of our boy and all my dreams for the future as a cripple. I thought he was going to be the answer to my inability to do and work.He was my everything and he was the happiest boy you ever could have met.. I can't believe the turn in our lives in just under four years. From sheer joy to pure sorrow . even with my issues the boy made me just proud every day of his life...I couldn't have been happier. There is nothing like the loss of a child to shake your foundation I swear.
On a more positive note I was gifted a set of checkering tools today by a gentleman who asked to remain anonymous with $50 to help get supplies to checker. The gentleman deserves to be mentioned but t Photo Jul 31, 7 25 36 PM.jpg 13087413_1238211419537422_824164747614290693_n.jpg rue heroes never seek attention. God Bless you my friend, you have no idea how far this goes for me and for it to arrive the day after the final nail in our coffin was incredible......... Thank you so much
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