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Obama Administration Proposes Sweeping Gun Regulations

Per phone a few minutes ago with the NRA-ILA this will be Executive Order designed to bypass Congress. It is of utmost importance that you spread the word to any second amendment supporters or any Constitutional Citizens to call your/their legislators. Getting a foot hold now is important since the President and his new Republican green flagged attorney General are choosing dictatorial approaches in lieu of a marginally pro gun congress and senate. You can also bank on regulations regarding ammunition and certain firearms(high powered hand guns?) which could be anything.

Again this is going to be bad so get active now!

Does anyone have a link to an article with some real info, or any idea on what exactly is being proposed?

The rule above really doesn't seem like it would have any effect on anything, but I'm not a highly trained bureaucrat who could spot the loophole in that kind of gobbledygook.
The language regarding high powered hand guns is very disturbing, this may also regulate high power hand gun ammo. Other caveats from what I understand are if you are currently in the care of a Psychologist, Psychiatrist etc you will not be allowed to purchase a handgun. The bottom line is that this is an Executive action so it by-passes Congress ad the Senate and is very hard to undo once its done. Irregardless of the language there in, I would make the effort to call my representatives in Washington (your only voice by the way) and communicate your concern and or outrage regarding ANY Executive action which by-passes the People and circumvents the Constitution.
The only thing I can see in the actual rule is that they want to change the definition of a pistol to one that shoots a 'small projectile' instead of just a 'projectile'.

I'm guessing they could then use that to say that any 'pistol' that shoots a caliber primarily used in rifles (5.56, 308, etc) isn't really a 'pistol', and hence would be an SBR.

This would open-up a ton of grey area though, and result in some really weird issues (not that they care).

For example, a Rossi Ranch Hand shoots 38/357, which is a pistol caliber, so would that still be a 'pistol' while Thompson Contender with a 5.56 barrel wouldn't be?

This is all speculation right now, since the did announce that most of these won't be implemented until at least November.
Problem is:

All Obama has to do is get his regulatory agency to change their interpretation.

Probably don't even need new laws to get passed, just get the feds to re-interpret a bunch of stuff.
That seems to be the plan... Congress sure isn't going to give him any new gun control laws. Seems like as a lame-duck he's going to issue a whole bunch of orders and force us to sort them out in court.

I guess that's a win for him and his gun control pals, since if the NRA and SAF are spending time and money in court chasing down BS regulations they aren't pursuing bigger issues like 'expanded' background checks

I'm guessing these will come out in dribs and drabs as well, to prevent the kind of single-issue furir they stirred up with M855. They weren't expecting that since literally no one cared about it when they banned 7N6.

You can be sure they won't be caught like that again, and will make every effort to lay groundwork for each of these EOs.
Looks like another front was opened up this Wednesday... the State Department is looking to make changes to ITAR that would require people to get government authorization before discussing 'technical data' in a public venue that is accessible to people outside the US.

They don't seem to actually define what 'technical data' is, at least no where I could find. Seems to me they want it pretty open-ended, so they can claim anything from reloading recipes to 80% lower instructions would be 'technical data'.

In fact they already tipped their hand on this by asserting a while back that 3D-printed pistol designer Defense Distributed couldn't post the files used to make their designs on the Internet because that would be 'exporting' these guns.

This one's going to be interesting... since it hits at the First Amendment as much or more than the Second. Talk about 'prior restraint'.



BTW, I also found a thread on a rocketry forum talking about this change, and worrying what it would do to their interests. They were actually suggesting people donate to the NRA to help fight this.
Libs are ALL FOR free speech.... As long as they agree with whatever is being said.

Just like they are all for freedom of religion-so long as the religion is Islam or Atheism.
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