Jesse Hernandez Debuts as First Male New Orleans Saints Cheerleader

Well since you seem to have all the biblical answers, please quote where it says gays are perverts? Also while you are at it , quite where it says it’s ok for priests to molest little boys while hiding behind the church. Where it says it’s ok to randomly make judgments about people you don’t know and “judge them” in the name of your religion. I’ll wait. But btw I have read the Bible. The Koran, the Torah. As well as lord of the rings and several other books with zero historical FACTS. It’s a good book but a prime example of moral extortion on a basic level. If you want to base your life on it that’s fine for you but remember all throughout history “religion” has treated women as property and classified any given group as bad. I personally don’t think that the pics of people being thrown from buildings are because of being homosexual. If you spent ANY time in Afghanistan you’d know that it’s actually common for them to have sex with younger males even dressing them as girls. Many of the customs and cultural differences are way behind us civilized westerners but at one time in Christian history they did the exact same things. Seems not a week goes by when a Baptist youth minister isn’t charged or the 300 priests in Pennsylvania that were involved in a pedophile ring.
I'll be more than happy to address each of these. Cut and paste this in the religious forum.
WATching the wnba is less gay than the NFL

Participating in a minority led micro aggression workshop is less gay than the NFL

skipping through a field wearing a dress while tossing flowers is less gay than the NFL

Two men having sex is less gay than the NFL
WATching the wnba is less gay than the NFL
Participating in a minority led micro aggression workshop is less gay than the NFL
skipping through a field wearing a dress while tossing flowers is less gay than the NFL
Two men having sex is less gay than the NFL
Not that there is anything wrong with that

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