I miss the 70's.

No cell phones, no cable tv (rotary antennae that didn't work) improved reception by sticking your arm out the window and turning the pole it was mounted to. No Apple TV, no computer watch, no fancy electronics in the car (actually had to use you arm to roll down the window) I could go on and on.
No cell phones, no cable tv (rotary antennae that didn't work) improved reception by sticking your arm out the window and turning the pole it was mounted to. No Apple TV, no computer watch, no fancy electronics in the car (actually had to use you arm to roll down the window) I could go on and on.
Yep life was good, you left out .50 per gallon gas, matchbook under the 8 track to make it play, much stronger coke, much more appreciation politeness and respect from strangers.

They did have power windows, locks, and A/C back in the seventies.
Somehow, I didn't break any bones, lose an eye, or get snake bit throughout my childhood! From jumping off anything I could carry my huffy onto, playing grenades with anything from a rock to a dried cow patty, or building a fort with pine limbs and straw (red bugs tore my tale up)......I wouldn't change my childhood for anything in this world! Thank God I wasn't raised in the "digital" era.....analog is just fine by me!
Everything that is currently happening to our economy is a direct result of the stupidity of the 90s Bush v1.0/Clinton era. It's all just blowback from decisions and policy made then.

Which were reactions to events and decisions of the 80s. which were.... and so on and so forth all the way back to when the first cave man had the first good idea fariy take a dump in his ear.
Oh my god I don't know how I managed to never break a bone but I sure tried hard.

We lived at the bottom of a culdesac on a hilly street surrounded by hilly streets.
We would start at the top of the neighborhood and come down each street and take the bend so fast we would amost wipe out trying to gain more speed for the third hill in which at the bottom was our massive jump at the sidewalk in front of my house.
We would see how many spruce trees we could jump over without getting killed..lol.
My Buddy Leo who was a mini version of Bruce Lee... Light , lean but all muscle and strong as an ox always went the highest and farthest because of his weight/ strength ratio.
On day he landed on the pine tree in my back yard which was 46 feet from the jump.
He must have went 25' high.
Mid air I thought he was dead for sure.
The tree cushioned his fall but his balls took a hell of a beating haha.
He maintained that record till this day.
We were some crazy hell raisers.
I have so many scars from those days and wouldn't trade them for the world.
got going down a hill in the neighborhood going a good 30 mph and slamming on the rear brake and power sliding..until i did it one to many times tire blew out and sparks and ohhh:censored: face first into the hay bails in the neighbors freshly landscaped yard
I envy you people. Guns were common and not kid-killers, you didn't have "swag" and "yolo" **** like my generation has. It was actually cool to go outside and have fun without making it a selfie storm because you saw a tree. Luckily my parents raised me well and we camped and hunted a lot, but damn, I seriously do not like my generation.
its that way with alot of children raised "old school" that can appreciate the way things were and should be but are not...we had so much freedom to be kids then..you could go out alone and not worry about joe perv trying to get you in a van..i would leave home and be gone until i was hungry or the sun was down which ever came first
its that way with alot of children raised "old school" that can appreciate the way things were and should be but are not...we had so much freedom to be kids then..you could go out alone and not worry about joe perv trying to get you in a van..i would leave home and be gone until i was hungry or the sun was down which ever came first
Neighbors would feed us and also discipline us.
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