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I Have The Roni

I am vaccinated, Moderna. I do work in healthcare. I do wear masks at work, but not out in public. Symptom onset was acute. All of a sudden there was a little gremlin sitting on my chest and a campfire over my forehead. For all you former Marines my muscles feel like I did a Murph. I tried to secure some monoclonal antibodies but the way my prescriber explains it; it was requiring diagnosis codes, treatment plans, E-scribe only, etc; which someone would need to be darn near admitted for. The pharmacy that has them (only one around) is seemingly implementing precautions so that only the most severe cases are prescribed them. Albuterol inhalers help, but that sends me tachycardic so there's a limit to use. I hope this answers everyone's questions. The one thing I am sure of in regard to Corona Virus is that there is no rhythm, rules, or reasoning that seems to justify who gets it and how bad they get it. I have been working in the rona world since it landed in the US, vaccinated for a year. Unsure of why it is whipping me so well as I consider myself to have a strong immune system and no "underlying conditions" outside of Dad Bod.

Hope this answers all questions. Y'all stay aware, prepared, and never scared.
I drank gallons of orange juice plus C, zinc and lots of guafensin. Went through a couple bottles of nyquil too. Took ibuprofen if needed.

Get well dude them boyz need daddy ;)
I don't have faith in the vaxx, which is why I haven't received it. On a side not I have a very serious diabetic ulcer on my leg which has opened up, black and draining. The MD's have me on Levaquin and doxycycline which I've heard is treatment for China virus, hopefully I won't get it.
See a vascular specialist in addition to your woundcare people.
First of all, hope you feel better soon.. From what I hear vitamins C,D and Zinc all help. A supplement called NAC is also supposed to help prevent clots, which are one of the primary dangers.

This kind of thing just shows that these shots are NOT a 'vaccine'... never have been, never will be. They are no different than a yearly flu shot in effect, just for a different virus.

If they treated them like flu shots, with a mix of proteins from the different variants they would be a lot more effective in preventing infection. They would also be a lot harder to 'mandate' of course. Who ever heard of being forced to get a 'flu shot'?

Instead they call it a 'vaccine', making people think their resistance is permanent. Good 'public health theater' that allows the various authorities to invoke all kinds of draconian rules.

Of course, since it isn't a vaccine it won't stop anyone from actually getting sick or transmitting the virus to others, but that's a small price to pay for unlimited dictatorship.
Experimental gene therapy. Not a vaccine.

To the OP. Get well soon!
My wife also had a "breakthrough" Covid case. She had the Moderna, I had the Pfizer. We are both 67. She had a mild fever and sinus issues, lost sense of smell for about 3 weeks. I never had any symptoms we were tested about 4 days after exposure (grandkids) hers was positive I was negative. Luckily she didn't get any worse and treated it with standard cold medications.

I've been on a daily regimen of Vitamin D and Zinc since June 2020.
What dosages of Vit D and Zinc are you taking?? Vid D3?
I had it. Took a z pack, vitamins, water, and Tylenol. Honestly it wasn’t that bad. As long as your in good shape and not over 65 you should recover fine. Your chance of survival is over 99%. It seems like obesity is the most common factor for severe cases.
My daughter (32 yo) came down with it on Thur night with headache, nausea, low fever and generally could not sleep. Tested positive Fri afternoon - she is “unvaxed” like the rest of us filthy commoners, lol.
My wife spent time with her last Sun, Mon, & Tue eve - walking/talking for hour or two ea night. So she has a test scheduled tomorrow (Sun). Meanwhile, we decided to stay away from ea other for a couple days so she on one side of the compound and i am in the cave.
I have surgery scheduled for the 18th and i am supposed to test on the 13th anyway . So i am holding out the wife is negative ….. BAAHHHH !
Oh , the doc would not even give my daughter any meds !
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