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Have you ever witnessed something that absolutely freaked you out?

Small world. I have been to Victory many times, as a volunteer and a camper, it is the largest Christian camp in Alaska. Holy place from all the believers living there. Guy in charge of the camp is now in charge of Christian camp ministry in USA, good friend of mine.
That's wild. It's a beautiful camp and a beautiful area. Learned a lot there....both about love and faith.
went to a christian school for three years from 6-9th grade.
Effing wack nuts speaking in tongues, afraid of satan.
This is when Ozzy ozbourne was the devil. and the war on music was in full gear.
I was more afraid of satan than anything else.
Those people were
messed up in soooo many ways.
Been to several churches and got tired of the non proveable BS and contradictions from hypocrites.
I’m leaning more toward this is all a simulation and some sick bastard is pulling the strings laughing.
I need
proof not Bs fantasy talk and stories from proven distortions.
I feel you, man. One of the toughest things about being a Christian is having to defend/explain away the wackjobs. In a weird way, I suppose it's a bit like law enforcement. The overwhelming majority of them are good guys and gals doing a good job, it's the "Respect my authoritah or I'll shoot your dog" bozo's that give the whole heap a bad name. "Speaking in toungues" is a bit of a hot topic...and respectfully, most of the people who hold the strongest beliefs about it are, at the same time, the least educated about it. I suppose you could say that for a lot of things, though. I'm not here to try and prove or convince anybody of anything...and I'm also not going to deny that there aren't whacko's and hypocrites out there. There are...lots of them. But at its core, when you strip away everything but Scripture, there's a compelling historical argument to be made for the veracity of the document and the people in it. If you're interested, shoot me a PM or start another thread.....this one's for spooky stories.

Apologies, OP, for the slight left turn. Back on topic. :yo:
It's now June 27th...the 8th day without sleep.......

Waiting for the Roto-Rooter guys to drop by this thread.

When the wife an I first bought this house, we were constantly seeing weird "things"...we were pretty sure they were ghosts of animals and humans...A lot of unexplainable things have happened here over the past 25 years. This is just one: The wife was in the garage getting a load of laundry out of the dryer, the door was closed and latched...As she turned toward the door, and reached out for the knob, she saw it turn on its own, and the door slowly opened. She was freaked out, and called to me to come there, and I did. She told me what just happened, and I wasn't even shocked. She then proceeded to walk to the bedroom (and I saw this one), when she stepped in the bedroom, with both hands holding the laundry basket, the light turned on...
One of MANY...
I've heard alot of credible accounts over the years. People I would trust. I'm not going to repeat their stories.
I've seen 2 "ghosts" myself.
The first was at the old plantion house near the Guidestones. I was taking a friend home and we had just got off work. I'm a local history nut and I've heard stories about the place. We had gotten breakfast and decided to pull over and eyeball the place from the road. 9am-9:30 the curtains upstairs start moving. I seen a face looking out. It moved from one window to another (4 upstairs) and after about 15 mins it stopped. Wasn't sure what I saw. My future wife drove by later that week and snapped some pictures. There was a woman holding a baby looking out the window. It was saved on her laptop, which she lost when she moved out. My in-laws need their butts kicked for getting rid of that computer.

The 2nd was at my grandparent's house. They have this weird AF laid out hall that runs the whole length of the place and then makes a left turn. They went back to Cali to visit people and I was working 3rd. That place has always creeped me out. Got up to pee after midnight. Came out the bedroom, stepped out into the hall, and the bathroom door was closed (wasn't my doing) it was cracked so I pushed it open with my foot and reached across with my left hand to hit the light switch on my right.
In about the time it takes to say "one Mississippi" the light was on, I was looking at the top of a woman's head and she right under my nose. She looked up and made a startled gasp sound, then her face collapsed in on itself and she disappeared.
Next morning I am on the way to Mom's. I told her that I needed to borrow some money to have a security deposit on my new apartment. She looked me dead in the eye and asked if I had seen something. I told her yeah and figured she was about to call me crazy. She asked "Was it a short woman about your aunt's height, walking down the hall holding something out in front of her? Cause that's what I saw."
I ain't been in that place by myself since.
Wouldn’t be close to cry baby bridge would it? A couple friends and I were out there late one night messing around and heard THE most blood curdling scream/hissing sound of all our life’s. Sounded almost like high pressure steam escaping mixed with a female scream. Big cat? Haint? I don’t know but needless to say we we GTFO with the quickness. Haven't been back.
Wouldn’t be close to cry baby bridge would it? A couple friends and I were out there late one night messing around and heard THE most blood curdling scream/hissing sound of all our life’s. Sounded almost like high pressure steam escaping mixed with a female scream. Big cat? Haint? I don’t know but needless to say we we GTFO with the quickness. Haven't been back.
The old plantion house down the dirt road from the Georgia Guidestones. There is a bridge and I've heard it called that.
Here's another...
When I worked on the grounds crew at Ft. Pulaski in the summer of 1960, we frequently heard moans and cries from what had been the hospital section. Occasionally, someone would see a form moving around in that area.
Other areas of the fort had similar occurances, but they were most frequent in the hospital.
I've had some strange experiences at the house I've lived in the past 16 years. In 2008 My wife and son were away visiting her parent. I was up at 1 AM reading when my son's remote controlled car turned on and drove off the coffee table. Other times I've caught movement out of the corner of my eye (thinking it was my son), then go to check on him just to find him fast asleep
When my father-in-law passed away. I could walk by my dining room and smell an odor of incense that would fade away. That occurred serval times over a period of several weeks after his death.
Just last week I had dropped my son off with one of his friends and when I got back home I heard a noise in the bathroom. After digging out the bathroom cabinet I found a pack of Colgate battery toothbrushes and one was on vibrating in the plastic pack. Still trying to figure how the hell it turned on. Been ages since I've been in that cabinet, it was in the very back will all sorts of stuff around it.

My Mom and my brother think its a joke, I can tell you it's not.
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