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Ebola preps

well, today dallas has another infected person.

I am trying to filter out all the BS in the news, and I am trying to react appropriately to facts.
1- we had a guy with ebola run lose in dallas for a few days.
2- he infected someone in a full hazmat/ppe outfit

since we now have person to person infection in the US, I went ahead and took some proactive measures today.
These measures are not "extreme" and as soon as ebola goes away, i'll still use everything i buy.

I just spend a couple hundred bucks at aldi's on Food and paper products. I just spent an hour or so organizing my pantry.
Tonight i will order even more bleach tabs, and latex gloves.

If we see more people, my actions will be even more severe. The purpose being to not spend money if i dont have to, but to also stay ahead of the sheep. If 2 people turns into more, grocery stores are going to be SLAMMED (thats my opinion at least). Also, think about if there is a mass infection. You probably dont want to eat that hamburger from the drive through, the delivery pizza, or restaurant food. much less be around other people!

My suggestion to you all is this: go drop a couple bucks on food today. Go get the things that will be gone. Enjoy the selection and the ability to buy. when this all washes over, you will just end up with 15 more lbs of spaghetti, 30lbs more rice, or whatever it is you buy. Its not like you will have 30 tyvek suits sitting in the corner. (Thats the next step lol)

btw, my next "threshold" or "benchmark" for action is when there are EITHER 5 infected people in dallas OR infections in more states. My EMERGENCY measure is if someone is confirmed with it anywhere in the ATL area. If that happens, kids dont go to school, and we bug in as much as possible for a month.

So, buy some bleach. make sure you have alternative methods of heating your home.

Thats all. stay safe.

Oh, I also found Anti bacterial soap at aldi's that has an active ingredient of "Benzalkonium Chloride 0.10%"

after some googling on my iphone at the store, i found this article. Apparently it kills virus's too, well- most virus's. Which is alot better that alcohol hand sanitizer, which i think pretty much does do **** to viruses.

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The biggest problems that America is going to have with Ebola. Flu season is about to start, the initial symptoms are the same. The illegals or people that don't care to go to the hospital. And the suicide infections. I have a feeling that things are just getting started. Start getting prepared guys, the only info I can help with.
[h=1]CDC Changes Criteria for Ebola Transmission Page – What You NEED to Know[/h]

Fact is, there are countless variables that go into "what can cause transmission", and our understanding is in a constant state of evolution. There are no hard and fast rules, except that you must ingest it through a bodily fluid. The best place to go for this information is not a politically motivated website.

Yes, variables change...I'd hope scientists are constantly tweaking their observations for what is neccessary to transmit the disease. Making amendments is not an admission of failure, but evolving understanding as information changes or becomes available. That's what scientists do. They don't provide a rule book that never changes.

Leave it to the Tea party to criticize scientists for updating their findings and relevant analysis.
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Well, I'm glad you admitt that it's criminally malfeasant to not stop the flights in from Africa since they don't fully understand how it's transmitted. I also agree with you that if a large outbreak happens in the U.S. because of the president's desire for open borders that he has committed treason and compromised our national security. Well said Laufen. I couldn't agree more
I'm curious about when y'all are going to start wearing masks and suits.
Is it when you decide to go to the museum after a sizable percentage of the population has ebola?
Is it before ebola has come to GA, and you are just wearing the gear around in public just to be safe?
Is it when you are bugging out to the hills?
Is it when you are barricaded in your homes with zero contact with outsiders?

When does the gear go into use?

I'm all for being prepared for emergencies. My ghb goes everywhere, and I'm never without the basics. I just can't seem to justify hazmat suits and respirators though. If it gets to the point where I'm considering donning the gear, we're outta here. Plain and simple.
That is a good question... my gut feel is that the first case in GA would be when I started making changes.

Sure, I could be part of the first batch of people exposed, but the odds of that are really pretty small.
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