Do you agree with the court?? Open Carry

its people like that that give the gov "ammunition" to take away OC and peoples rights.... thanks alot (p)

Agree 100% on this, as he went looking for Trouble ,and he found it.
I think the rangers were just doing their job.
Its when they dont, some dip s#*t like this pulls off another grand act of mass murder to make the news and bringing it all back around to the rest of us.
Who had their "right to enjoy their life" violated?

Apparently every time someone carries a firearm someone has the right to enjoy their life violated. Seems like some of the people here wouldn't have issue with that right going away. I never did see anything in the Constitution about having the right not to be offended by something someone else did that was perfectly legal. Guess I missed that part and I guess it wasn't covered in the Civics class I took.
Seems like alot of people do not understand. I think the guy was pretty stupid to do what he did. But then I think those guys with big ole rims and whale tails on their econoboxes are pretty stupid to do that as well. Doesn't mean I think they ought to have their right to do something stupid violated just because I think it is stupid.

I don't even fault the rangers for what they did seeing as how they didn't know the firearm in question was legal for the guy to carry. As I said they could use a bit more training. What I fault is the court for finding that the guys rights were not violated. IF this is the standard for court I sure hope that I have no need to show up in court for anything. Yet I am not really surprised at this. I mean the SCOTUS did find in Heller that the state does have the right to restrict the keeping and bearing of arms just they do not have the right to ban them all together. Seems like some people wouldn't mind if the state decided that one could carry but only an NAA 22 short revolver and unloaded and in a separate case from the ammo and concealed in a suitcase and only with CCI CB ammo.

Seems like a lot of folks think open carry is pretty stupid. That don't bother me nor prevent me from doing it since it is in fact LEGAL for me to do so. My son and I have been questioned a couple of times (not by police officers as yet they generally just smile and go on about their business since we aint doing anything stupid) by employees of different places we have been mostly about what am I carrying or how to go about getting a permit or some ask do they have to have a permit to open carry.

Only time we got a hassle I suppose it really wasn't all that much of a hassle. Guy at Wal Mart simply asked kinda loudly if we were law enforcement and said that what we were doing was illegal if not. I simply informed him that no we aren't and that no it isn't illegal. When he chimed in with just get the permit and carry concealed I informed him that to carry at all in the state of GA one must have the permit and if he wished he could see ours as proof we had one. When he tried to tell me it was Wal Mart policy against open carry I simply told him it might be the local store policy but that it was not Wal Mart corporate policy as Wal Mart goes by the state law and has no policy against carry in their store by permit holding customers. Then I explained to him that GA law stated that the store manager had the right to ask us to leave and that we would do so. The guys at the counter seemed to be kinda shocked at the encounter, I haven't seen the guy who hassled us again and I have open carried inside Wal Mart more than once since then without incident.
The question was not about Open Carry, it was about this case and this case alone.
And in this case I think the rangers did the right thing, because the jerk was just trying to push somebodys button.
i.e. He paints the tip of his gun to present it as a toy no matter what he said his reason was.
He then tells passers by how many rounds it can carry, once again looking for attention.
I think everyone should Open carry, and I mean everybody.
Its a forced respect but it works.
30 years ago I lived in a state where leaving the house without a sidearm was like going out without your pants on.
Somebody walks past my house with an AK or AR or whatever slumped over the shoulder? No problem.
They walk past again and again? You can bet your A** I have a 1911 in my hand checking this dude out.
Some of us carry for the right reasons, and for the LEGAL rights aswell.
And then some carry because they feel its some extention of their pecker or just a way for some outcast to fit in.
Thats the guy I watch and the guy that gives the one sided media all the ammo they need against legal gun owners.
That don't bother me nor prevent me from doing it since it is in fact LEGAL for me to do so.

Congrats! Looking forward to seeing you on youtuube. Because from all your BS that you have tossed on this thread, you strike me as one of those types of people. Let us know when you get your 15 seconds of youtube fame.
Walking across a field in Georgia, probably nothing. At a place where the public might be at risk, keeping in mind the rash of public killings, I would be very interested as to why someone would purposely want to conceal the fact that the gun was real even though it might would be legal to have a fire arm inthe first place,Every incident is different and would result in a different set of decisions. These people purposely try to attract attention, and act offended when they get it, stupid in my opinion. Others have worked hard to get laws passed to ease carry laws, and some DA does his best to make it look like he is breaking the law. Who's side is he on in the first place? I have come the conclusion that there are infiltrators in the gun rights movement. These A holes along with the mass shooting suspects might very well be working for the anti gun right groups. But then again it was on the Internet/TV so their intentions must be pure, right?

Well said Ken.
Maybe we SHOULD all OC every day every where. Maybe that's the ONLY way we will ever desensitize the non-gun crowd to the presence of guns. But even if that's the case I think we better start off a little less agressively than slung AKs in the kiddie park. Or whatever park for that matter. And maybe break the stereotype by mixing the red-neck gear up with khakis and a polo while OCing. Otherwise we are just cautionary tales and photo ops for liberals.
Maybe we SHOULD all OC every day every where. Maybe that's the ONLY way we will ever desensitize the non-gun crowd to the presence of guns. But even if that's the case I think we better start off a little less agressively than slung AKs in the kiddie park. Or whatever park for that matter. And maybe break the stereotype by mixing the red-neck gear up with khakis and a polo while OCing. Otherwise we are just cautionary tales and photo ops for liberals.

That don't bother me nor prevent me from doing it since it is in fact LEGAL for me to do so.

Congrats! Looking forward to seeing you on youtuube. Because from all your BS that you have tossed on this thread, you strike me as one of those types of people. Let us know when you get your 15 seconds of youtube fame.

Gotta love it.

The question was about the COURT not the guy with the firearm nor the Rangers.

The Rangers had already talked to the guy and the guy had answered them cordially and even told them where his automobile was. IF they felt the need to draw down on the man why did they not do so at that time? They let him roam the park freely and waited for him at his auto?

It wasn't about whether you think the guy was a jerk or looking for a confrontation or if you think a person ought to be allowed to carry a firearm openly.

If I was trying to be confrontational when I carry I can pretty much gurantee you that the several police officers who have seen me would have confronted me already. Do you believe everyone who wears camo or carries is trying to be confrontational?
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