"Bath Salts" Caused Cannibal Attack?

"The stuff actually is Bath Salts.."
I spoke to a friend who is a detective and mentioned this....I thought it was something made from bath salts....but it is actually bath salts..... I know I shouldn't ask this....but....who goes into their bathroom and says, let's get stoned on bath salts????? Amazing.....
Ok one more time....they are not bath salts!

They are designer drugs. They market them as "bath salts" just like pot shops sell bongs for "tobacco use only". You can't just walk into Target, pick up some bath salts, and get high. These are drugs that were designed from the start to mimic MDMA, Cocaine, Meth, etc... The girly bath sh*t from the mall that your wife keeps next to the tub is not the same thing!
I would look for another source to find facts.
I guess you partake in alcohol, and agree with it being legal.
Alcohol/tobacco, not pot are the gateway drugs.

Would not dwindle, only increase. Check Norway where they tried to legalize drugs, use increased, crime increased to be able to buy the drugs. I don't know what the solution would be, but legalization is no the one.
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