Any long term post jab side affects…(serious answers please)

Quick update from my post yesterday. Wife and I both had Moderna booster(3rd dose) yesterday around noonish.
I'm fine other than a sore arm but my wife has been up all night long with fever, bout to freeze chills and throwing up everything she had in her.
She's now got the dry heaves because there's nothing left. It's weird how it does different things to different people.
I'm not sure how long it's going to last for her but she's completely miserable.
Could try putting her on a standard COVID z-pack regimen or the Dr. Zelenko protocol. Couldn't hurt.
My Aunt had the shot and died in 5 weeks. My brother in law had his wife's dad and brother both had heart attacks and died within weeks after getting shot. Guy that works with me had a friend that had shot dropped dead next day. Lady I know son is in military and had shot was having heart problems.
I'm a little slow this morning. Explain that family relationship again...
I got 2 Pfizer shots with no side effects at all. Neither short term nor long term. Honestly do not know anyone who has had any longer term issues but many stories of short term feeling like ass.
I got the Pfizer shots pretty early on (April or so), and had no side effects at all... Not even a sore arm. A buddy at work joked I must have gotten the fake shots intended for politicians.

I did get the Moderna 'half strength' booster a few weeks back and it had me feeling kind of 'flu-ish' for a day or so. Aches and a low fever, but it cleared up in 24 hours.

I haven't noticed any longer term effects though. And since each company's shot(s) will have different effects on different people, I'm not sure you can predict anything by other peoples results.
Only if the folks not getting them put us in theirs...

If you look at real data the odds of dying from the shot are (slightly) less than dying from the disease. One of the early studies (Finland I think) calculated that there would be two deaths by the shot for every three deaths the shot avoided.

On average it's pretty much a wash. Same for the symptoms. It really depends on your best guess on how you would handle catching the virus vs. how well you tolerate various shots.

I generally don't have much of a reaction to shots and (real) vaccinations, but my immune system goes into hyperdrive whenever I catch a cold, or God forbid the flu. I spend a week or so running a 100+ fever and being miserable.

For me the trade off made sense, since I doubt I'll be one of the ones that would simply lose their sense of smell. YMMV.
Quick update - my double vaxxed daughter (Moderna), has the Rona, just diagnosed today and feels like crap. Vitamins, Z pak and steroids. Also a big dose of prayers as she does have an underlying condition, and the Momma to my two youngest grandsons. I guess anyone can be a "breakthrough" case

I got the two jabs because I am over 60, not taking another
Quick update - my double vaxxed daughter (Moderna), has the Rona, just diagnosed today and feels like crap. Vitamins, Z pak and steroids. Also a big dose of prayers as she does have an underlying condition, and the Momma to my two youngest grandsons. I guess anyone can be a "breakthrough" case

I got the two jabs because I am over 60, not taking another
Has she spoken to her physician about monoclonal antibodies?
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